Fourth training – Greece

Teachers and students of the "Textile, Materials Science and Standardization" department within the framework of the international project REILEAP - Reinforcing capacities of HEIs for leather and leather products in Uzbekistan-Kazakhstan 618930-EPP-1-2020-1-EL-EPPKA2-CBHE-JP passed two week training seminar (24.04.2023-05.05.2023) at the Polytechnic University of Crete (TUC) in Chania (Greece).

The purpose of the seminar is the creation and implementation of a capacity building program, curricula and training seminars, the study of European experience in the training of personnel in the leather and footwear industry. The training seminar was addressed to employees and students of Uzbek and Kazakh partner universities.

The program of the seminar on the work package WP2 - "Training of human resources and capacity building" included lectures, trainings, and practical exercises. The participants of the seminar listened to lectures by professors for the first week: Practical classes on the use of software and hardware were organized at the Technical University of Crete (TUC) in the CAD laboratory and at the Hellenic Mediterranean University (HMU) in the DML laboratory.

The following teachers and students took part in the training: PhD Acting Associate Professor Bekzhan Abzalbekuly, PhD Acting Associate Professor Gulzira Jumabekova, PhD Acting Associate Professor Farkhad Tashmukhamedov, Master of Technical Sciences, Senior teacher Laura Yussupova, students of the EP "6B07222 - Innovative technologies of leather products": 2nd year – Didar Shamshieva and 1st year – Nurdaulet Erkebay. After the end of the training seminar, the participants were awarded with certificates.


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