Tasu Dilnura

I am Tasu Dilnura, a student of the Ustaz Institute, majoring in "training of teachers of foreign languages". I am currently studying at St. Kliment Ohridski Sofia University, located in Sofia, under the Erasmus+ program. The training is conducted in English, as students from all over the world study here. This year, students from Italy, Spain, Indonesia, South Korea, and Germany are studying with me under this program. We spend a lot of time studying here. They also show us the sights of the city, conduct excursions and various events, and we also visit sports clubs and libraries. Thus, we learned more about the life of people in this area. It's really very interesting.

There is a very good relationship between teachers and students, you can ask any question by mail or in a special application, homework is also checked by email, and teachers work with each student individually. Numerous practical exercises and applications that meet modern requirements are used.

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