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The distance education faculty was founded in 2008-2009 academic year by a merger of two Dulaty University part-time form education faculties: Engineering and Economic part-time faculty and part-time Humanitarian faculty.
The history of M.Kh. Dulaty Taraz Regional University part-time form education faculty is continuously connected to the history of establishing a part-time education of higher education institutions (Dzhambul Hydro-Reclamation-Construction Institute (DHRCI), Dzhambul Technological Institute of Light and Food Industry (DTILFI) and Dzhambul Pedagogical (Teacher Training) Institute), which were later merged into a state university.
Training specialists on-the-job at Dzhambul Technological Institute of Light and Food Industry is associated with evening/part-time form of education and 1958 is the starting point. In 1958 Dzhambul branch of Kazakh Chemical-Technological Institute has admitted first students; Seyitov Kh.S. was entrusted to head the branch. In 1961-1962 academic year within the branch there opened an evening/part-time faculty; first deans of the faculty were Aitzhanov S., Inkarov B.G., Almanbetov K.A., Adilov A.A. Afterwards, part-time education in DTILFI was headed by Madiyev U.K., now academician in RoK NAS (Republic of Kazakhstan National Academy of Science), associate professors Nurpeyisov D.D., Keshanidi Kh.L., Kozhabekov S.S., d.t.s., professor Sakhiyev M.S. and others.
Dzhambul Hydro-Reclamation-Construction Institute was founded by the decision of KazSSR government in May of 1962, by transferring Hydro-Reclamation faculty of Kazakh Agricultural Institute from Alma-Ata city to Dzhambul city. From 1962 to 1965 specialists were trained on-the-job in “Hydromelioration” specialty only. In subsequent (1965-1985) years as DHRCI laboratory facilities had been developed and equipped, new specialties were opening: “Mechanization of land reclamation”, “Hydraulic engineering construction”, “Industrial and civil construction”, “Water supply and sewerage”, “Economics of agriculture and water resources”, “Construction of irrigation and drainage systems”, “Operation of irrigation and drainage systems”, “Agricultural water supply and watering of pastures”, “Agricultural construction” and other.
In 80-90 years, due to national economy urgent need of highly qualified personnel in agriculture, water resources and construction, a whole range of new specialties were opened: “Economics and organization in the agro-industrial complex”, “Cars and automotive industry”, “Highway construction”, “Electrical engineering”, “Electric power supply” and other.
It should be noted that highly qualified teachers worked at the faculty: academicians Zhulayev R.M., Suleimenov Zh.T., professors Goryunov S.N., Serikbayev B.S., Abduramanov A.A., associate professors Kim S.S., Darimbetov U.D., Dolzhenko B.F., Kaldarov M.K., Ibrayev D.M., Akzhanov A.A., Utegaliyev T.T. and others. Baimukhambetov M.V., c.t.s., associate professor, was the first dean of DHRCI part-time department. In later years the faculty was headed by Undashev P.U., c.t.s., associate professor Yermukhanov K.E., Suleimenov Zh.T., now academician of RoK NAS, d.t.s., professor Sennikov M.N., d.t.s., professor Surankulov Shayizkhan Zhuvandykovich.
The faculty graduates are now in leadership positions in various industries (Abdikhalikova G. – RoK Secretary of State and many other).
Previous experience, as well as goals, objectives, forms and methods to implement part-time education regulatory documents for the last ten years, already in M.Kh.Dulaty Taraz Regional University, have determined further priority directions to develop full-time distance form of study organization.
The distance education faculty organizes training of specialists in economics, engineering, technology, humanities, pedagogy and law. Training is underway in 79 study programs.
The faculty is served by all University departments. Since November of 2011 academic year the faculty is headed by Bekmuratov Murat Musabekovich, c.t.s., professor; his deputies are Orynbayev S.A., PhD, associate professor, and Sarsembayeva M.K., associate professor.

Deputy Dean
PhD, Associate Professor
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Address: Technological building 2.4-205

Deputy Dean
Candidate of Philological Sciences, Associate Professor
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Address: Technological building 2.4-205

Guidance counselor
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Address: Technological building 2.4-205

Guidance counselor
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Address: Technological building 2.4-205

Guidance counselor
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Address: Technological building 2.4-205

Guidance counselor
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Address: Technological building 2.4-205

Guidance counselor
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Address: Technological building 2.4-205

Specialist of the highest category
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Address: Technological building 2.4-205

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Address: Technological building 2.4-205

Master degree
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Address: Technological building 2.4-205

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Address: Technological building 2.4-205

E-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Address: Technological building 2.4-205