Council of Young Scientists

Objectives of Council:

  • • Attracting young scientists to address issues of science and technology;
  • • Development of the scientific potential of the university;
  • • Improving the efficiency of solving the problems of young scientists;
  • • Attracting young people to solve the problems of young scientists.


  • • Promoting the professional growth of the scientific youth of the university, the active participation of young scientists in basic and applied research;
  • • Performing the role of a representative body and protecting the rights of scientific youth in the academic council and leadership of the organization, as well as in government bodies and public organizations, expression of the opinion of scientific youth on various aspects of professional activities and social conditions;
  • • Combining the efforts of young scientists to solve pressing scientific problems and priority scientific problems;
  • • Enhancing the research work of young scientists through a system of specially designed activities;
  • • Improving the forms of participation of young scientists in research projects, research grants, competitions, programs, internships;
  • • Formation and expansion of a network of contacts with the Councils of young scientists of other scientific organizations and higher educational institutions.