Head of the Department of Social Work
Contact number: 8 (707) 456 17 44
Address: Taraz city, str.Satpayev 28, , 6.1-341
The main purpose of management is the management, organization and control of social and educational work at institutes and faculties. Close cooperation with the Ministry of Science and Higher Education of the Republic of Kazakhstan regarding the introduction of modern methods in the educational process, taking into account the student movement and social and educational work
- coordination of planning and control of the activities of the university's structural units in the field of social work with University staff and students;
- ensuring the formation and maintenance of a database of students and University staff in need of social support;
- analysis of the results of the quality of social services provided and their compliance with the needs of students and employees in need of social services (hereinafter referred to as the contingent);
- establishing links with service organizations, including medical, pedagogical, psychological, social and household services, taking into account the individual needs of the contingent;
- making proposals to improve the forms and methods of providing special social services;
- promoting the religious literacy of students and carrying out measures to prevent extremism;
- to promote the formation of a healthy lifestyle and the development of physical education;
- control over the implementation of the action plan aimed at forming the identity of the applicants;
- coordination of work on the placement and eviction of students in dormitories;
- ensuring compliance with the rules of occupational safety and health, fire safety and sanitary and hygienic standards;
- ensuring that students fulfill the rights and obligations stipulated in the contract with the university;
- attracting students to participate in faculty and university-wide events;
- coordination and control of the social and educational work of the teaching staff and curators of academic groups;
- quality control of the activities carried out and the plan of education of departments of institutes and faculties;
- identification of students with disabilities, with delayed psychological development;
- social and psychological services for students studying in an inclusive form, counseling parents;
- organization of events aimed at improving the image of students with disabilities at the university;
- implementation of the university's development strategy.
The Department of Social Work carries out coordination work in 7 areas:
- Organizational and methodological work
- Youth policy
- Civic and patriotic education
- Spiritual and moral education
- Anti-corruption and legal education
- Formation of a healthy lifestyle
- Development of students' creativityStaffBERKINBAEVA DINARA ORALBEKOVNAChief education specialistContact phone: 8 (707) 270-08-76E-mail: do.berkinbaeva@dulaty.kzAddress: Taraz city, Satpayev street 28, 6.1-217BAKHTIYAR KARZHAUBAIYLY ALPYSBAEVChief specialist in religious studiesContact phone: 8 (707) 508 82 02E-mail: bk.alpysbaev@dulaty.kzUSENOVA SANDUGASH MEYRAMBEKKYZYChief Specialist in Inclusive EducationContact phone: 8 (705) 998-80-16E-mail: sm.usenova@dulaty.kzAddress: Taraz city, Tole bi street 60, 2.6-100/AZHMAGULOVA KALAMKAS ABDIKERIMKYZYSpecialistContact phone: 8 (777) 198-07-78Address: Taraz city, Satpayev st. 28, 6.1-217ZHAMANGARAEVA ZHANNA ZHARKYNBEKOVNASpecialistContact phone number: 8 (775) 520 37 14Address: Taraz city, Satpayev st. 28, 6.1-217RAKHIMBAY ERZHAN ZHANGALIULYSpecialist coordinator for inclusive educationContact phone number: +7 700 245 99 14E-mail:ezh.rakhymbaj@dulaty.kzAddress: Taraz city, Tole bi street 60, 2.6-100/ABYYEMBAEVA SHYNAR BAKYTZHANOVNAPsychologContact phone: 8 (707) 763-25-29E-mail: shb.bujembaeva@dulaty.kzAddress: Taraz city, prosp. Zhambyl 16A, 5.1.304

Position: Head of the Youth Work Department
Contact number: 8 707 954 47 87

Position: Specialist of the Youth Work Department
Contact number: 8 701 480 87 69

Position: Chief Specialist of the Youth Work Department
Contact number: 8 708 363 58 45
Schedule of curatorial hours for the second semester of the 2023-2024 academic year of the Faculty of Natural Sciences
List of curators of the Faculty of Natural Sciences for the 2023-2024 academic year
Curator promotion course program for the 2023-2024 academic year
Protocol of curators who completed the “School of Curators” course in the 2023 academic year
List of curators who completed the “School of Curators” course in the 2023 academic year
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