Department of Academic Work (DAW) is a structural unit of the university, responsible for the organization of educational and educational- methodological work at the university. The priority direction in the work of the department is to improve the organization of the educational and educational-methodological process based on the introduction of modern achievements of pedagogical science and regulatory and methodological documents of its own developments, to improve the structure and content of educational programs carried out in accordance with the implementation program “Development Program of the NIU” M.Kh. Dulaty. Taraz Regional University for 2020-2025 “, organization of work in order to obtain public recognition of the quality of educational services through accreditation tools.
The main tasks of the Department of Academic Work:
- Educational-methodical, normative-informational and organizational-advisory support of the educational activity of the university;
- Scientific and methodological support for the implementation of educational programs;
- Introduction of innovative educational technologies and promising forms of organizing the educational process;
- Development of regulatory, methodological and organizational foundations for development, methodological organizational foundations for the development, improvement and modernization of the educational process;
- Coordination of educational work of departments, faculties and other educational units of the university;
- Monitoring of the educational process and educational-methodical work to improve the quality of the educational process;
- Organization of work of the educational and methodological association in the assigned specialties;