Activities of the Council of Veterans
"To have time to convey to youth what the soul is rich"
Primary Veteran Organization of M.Kh. Dulaty Taraz State University is headed by the candidate of technical sciences, professor Usenbaev Bolat Usenbaevich.

Chairman of the Council of Veterans of M.Kh. Dulaty TarSU candidate of technical sciences, professor Usenbaev B.U.
Council of Veterans of M.Kh. Dulaty TarSU consists of 9 members, as necessary, the composition of the Council is updated and replenished in accordance with the Regulation on the primary organization of veterans of M.Kh. Dulaty TarSU.
Members of the Council of Veterans of M.Kh. Dulaty Taraz State University
In the primary veteran organization of the M.Kh. Dulaty Taraz State University at the beginning of the 2018-2019 academic year, the number of working university veterans amounted to 141 people. Reconciliation of members is carried out annually in conjunction with the human resources department of the university.
The activities of the Council are carried out in accordance with the approved work plan, which is compiled annually. All members of the Council take an active part in the planning of work, the proposals and wishes of each are taken into account. Meetings of the Council of Veteran Organizations are held regularly, in accordance with the Regulation “On the Primary Veteran Organization”. The meeting is held once every two months. At the meetings, a report of one of the members of the Council is necessarily planned, issues related to establishing contact with university veterans are regularly reviewed, including unemployed and living on the territory of the city, the work of the school of mentoring, succession of generations, proposals (applications) for the spa treatment of veterans of pedagogical work. Every year, the republican (Egemen Kazakhstan, Kazakhstanskaya Pravda), regional (Ak Zhol, Znamia truda), and the city newspaper of veterans Gumyr - Dariya, Kasіpodak tynysy are subscribed.
The members of the Council made suggestions about the constant care and social protection of the university’s elderly people, who at one time made a great contribution to the development of the material base of the educational institution and the training of professional personnel. And the most important thing is to provide timely assistance to veterans in solving their personal problems, and to facilitate the inclusion of pensioners in feasible work. It should be noted that the chairman of the Council of Veterans Usenbaev B.U. at each meeting he carefully listens to the messages and information of each member, after making a joint decision he informs the rector of the university, doctor of pedagogical sciences, professor Sarybekov M.N., deans of the faculty, at the next meeting he informs all members about the measures taken. Of particular note is the confidential and business environment in the activities of the primary veteran organization. So, according to veterans, more initiative is needed in terms of organizing meetings and conversations with the younger generation, to intensify the work of mentoring among young people and young curators. Veterans cannot stand apart from the affairs of their university. They generously share their life experiences, always in a hurry: "to have time to convey to youth what the soul is rich in."
The Council of Veterans in the organization’s work considers the participation of veterans of the educational institution in improving patriotic, moral education, as well as the formation of an active life position among students. Thanks to various events and meetings of young people, love and pride in their country, the armed forces, a high sense of citizenship, and the understanding that honest and conscientious work are the only sure guarantee of stability and prosperity are instilled.
An open lesson of a member of the Council of Veterans of M.Kh. Dulaty TarSU Burlibaeva Sh.M.
Working labor veterans, as well as members of the Council and mentors of young curators, actively participate in the propaganda and study among students and the teaching staff of such documents as the President’s Annual Message to the people of Kazakhstan. These are articles on the pages of republican, regional and city newspapers and magazines, participation in round tables with the participation of leading specialists of the region, speeches at city conferences and various cultural events.
Member of the Council of Veterans Kulamanova Z.A. among participants in cultural programs
The main activities of the primary veteran organization of the university are:
- organizational and methodological direction;
- mentoring and continuity of generations;
- cultural mass.
In addition, a faculty or unit is assigned to each member of the Council of Veterans. Responsible for the administration department - Shotan S.I., for the department of AHC - K. Alimkulova. For the departments of "Water Management, Ecology and Construction" - Tursunbaev Kh.I., for the faculty of "Oil, Gas and Mechanics" - Ilyasov K.I. .; behind the Faculty of Humanitarian and Social Sciences - Z. A. Kulamanova, behind the Faculty of Economics and Business - S. E. Suleeva; by the Faculty of Technology - A. Baitureev; behind the faculty of “Information Technologies and Telecommunications” - Burlibaeva Sh.M.
The meeting of the new staff of the Council of Veterans of M.Kh. Dulaty TarSU
From the very beginning of the work of the primary veteran organization, all the members and mentors of the young curators actively participated in the process of educational work and social activities of the university. The priority areas in its activities are the patriotic and moral education of students. Given the increasing attention of our state and the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan personally, to the young generation, which should master the knowledge and treasures of the spiritual heritage of their people, strengthen unity, be patriots of their Fatherland. In order to improve and intensify the educational process, members of the Council of Veterans identified one of the main tasks - mentoring as one of the collective forms of activity of labor veterans and young curators. Currently, with the active support of the leadership of the university and personally the rector of M.Kh.Dulaty TarSU, doctor of pedagogical sciences, professor Sarybekov M.N. In each new academic year, according to the rector’s order, veterans of labor will be shot for young and beginning curators. It has become a tradition to organize meetings of veteran mentors with young university curators. Such meetings are held separately in the technological and hydro - complexes with the best faculty, with high professional and moral qualities, knowledge in the field of teaching and upbringing. Among them are doctors of technical sciences, professors, the rector of M.Kh.Dulaty TarSU, Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Professor Sarybekov M.N., First Vice-Rector of M.Kh.Dulaty TarSU doctor of historical sciences, professor A.B. Abdualy, Chairman of the Council of Veterans Candidate of Technical Sciences, Associate Professor Usenbaev B.U. Chairman of the trade union committee B.E. Khusainov, deans of faculties.
Reporting and re-election meeting of the chairman of the Council of Veterans
Annually, on the Day of Older Persons, meetings of the veteran community are organized with the rector of the university, Sarybekov M.N., at which the leaders inform the veterans of the achievements in the educational process, the material base of the university, and also show interest in the life of veterans. Such meetings are held in a warm atmosphere. Veterans of the Great Patriotic War, local war, rear workers, equated to participants of the Great Patriotic War, veterans of our university Dostanbaev Telman Shumbalovich, Zhandosova Raisa Orazalievna, Zhakisheva Kaziza Kisarovna, Seitov Abis Imanalievich and other activists of the University, are invited to the solemn meetings Thanks and a memorable gift are declared. Veterans of labor, who are on a well-deserved rest, are invited to the events, many of whom at different times worked conscientiously in the walls of the former DTILPP and DGMSI, who raised a worthy generation. Annually working university veterans participate in various cultural and sporting events.
Meeting of the rector of M.Kh. Dulaty Taraz State University, Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Professor Sarybekov M.N. with veterans of war and labor. 05/08/2019
Veterans of war and labor.
Day of Older Persons at M.Kh. Dulaty Taraz State University.
Working moments
In sacred places
Veterans are the Golden Generation. People of special training. They deserve special respect and the warmest attitude.
The management of our university always provides support for veterans, both working and those on a well-deserved rest. Material and moral assistance is provided. No holiday is complete without honoring veterans.
Veterans, despite their advanced age, remain in the ranks. They become mentors for young curators, pass on their experience, and actively participate in the life of the university. Veterans are interested in social life. They try to develop further. In 2019, members of the Council of Veterans visited sacred places in the south of Kazakhstan.
A special moment in the life of Kazakhstan veterans was the adoption of a new law on veterans.
A new law on veterans that codifies benefits. This Law defines the organizational, economic and legal framework for the provision of social support measures to veterans and others who use this Law. The bill consists of 18 articles. The law is aimed at strengthening social and legal guarantees and consolidation of social support measures provided by the state to veterans of the Great Patriotic War , persons equated to them in benefits, veterans of hostilities on the territory of other states, labor veterans, as well as other persons on whom the law applies.
In addition, the document will affect those Kazakhstanis who participated in hostilities, including in Afghanistan and other hot spots, as well as those who were involved in the liquidation of the Chernobyl accident.
We support the Law on Veterans, as it is designed to protect our rights. I think that this Law of the President and the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan is for the people, regardless of the time period of the pandemic.