Kabdushev Arman Arystangaliyevich
Director of the Department of Science and Commercialization
Contact phone: 8775 417 71 97
E-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Address: Tole bi street, 62, 104 room
The main tasks of the department's activities are related to
- ensuring the conduct of fundamental and applied research on topical and priority problems of the country and the Zhambyl region, including nanotechnological and biotechnological areas, as well as promoting the implementation of their results in production;
- assistance in the modernization of the material and technical base of scientific research works, as well as in improving the technical equipment scientific research laboratory of the engineering profile «Nanoengineering research methods named after A.S. Akhmetov»;
- activation of the development and implementation of innovative projects, as well as assistance in the creation of new innovative industries in the Zhambyl region; strengthening the links of scientific research with the educational process through the wide involvement of teachers, students, undergraduates, graduate students in research work and the active use of research results in the educational process;
- ensuring participation professorial-the teaching staff, graduate students, undergraduates and university students in competitions announced by the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan, other funds and organizations (including foreign ones) for various scientific grants, prizes and scholarships;
- development of promising forms of cooperation with domestic and foreign educational institutions, research institutes, enterprises and firms for the purpose of joint development and production of scientific products, exchange of experience, advanced training and training of scientific personnel;
- activation of patent activity of teaching staff and ensuring the real use of patents in production.
Department news