Position Head of the Department Associate Professor
Academic degree Honored Coach of the Republic of Kazakhstan Master of Sports of international class Master of Pedagogical Sciences
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Preparation of bachelors of highly qualified specialists in the field of physical culture and sports activities, possessing theoretical, biomedical knowledge and skills, practical skills in the application of information and pedagogical technologies; possessing the means and methods of teaching, education, training and health improvement, pedagogical skills and the style of pedagogical communication, allowing them to be in demand and to work successfully in their chosen field of activity.
- 6B01421– «Physical culture and sports activities in the field of education»

Position: Head of the Department Associate Professor
Academic degree: Honored Coach of the Republic of Kazakhstan Master of Sports of international class Master of Pedagogical Sciences
E-mail: eo.makhambetov@dulaty.kz

Position: assistant professor
Academic degree: Associate Professor Honored Trainer of Kazakhstan Boxing
E-mail: zh.nugmanov@dulaty.kz

Position: Honorary Professor of the University Dulaty
Academic degree: Honored boxing coach of the Republic of Kazakhstan. Honorary worker of physical culture and sports of the Republic of Kazakhstan.
E-mail: nn.akyrpekov@dulaty.kz

Position: Associate Professor (Associate Professor),
Academic degree: Honored Coach of the Republic of Kazakhstan, Master of Sports of the USSR, Honorary Figure of Sports of the Republic of Kazakhstan.
E-mail: as.musabekov@dulaty.kz

Position: Honored coach of the Republic of Kazakhstan in judo
Academic degree: Honorary Worker of Sports of the Republic of Kazakhstan. Associate Professor
E-mail: gn.jilgeldiev@dulaty.kz

Position: assistant professor
Academic degree: Honorary figure of the Republic of Kazakhstan
E-mail: ka.umirbaev@dulaty.kz

Position: Associate Professor (Associate Professor)
Academic degree: Honored Coach of the Republic of Kazakhstan, Master of Sports of the USSR, Honorary Figure of Sports of the Republic of Kazakhstan.
E-mail: kk.nauatov@dulaty.kz

Position: senior teacher
Academic degree: master of sport , a referee of the highest national rank
E-mail: eu.telbaev@dulaty.kz

Position: senior teacher
Academic degree: Master of sociat sciences in specialty
E-mail: kk.mustafina@dulaty.kz

Position: Master of Pedagogical Sciences majoring in Pedagogy and Psychology
E-mail: au.alimbekova@dulaty.kz

Position: Senior Lecturer
Academic degree: Master of Education and Psychological Sciences
E-mail: akh.umarov@dulaty.kz

Position: senior teacher
Academic degree: Master of Pedagogical Sciences in the specialty Physical culture and sports.
E-mail: db.dzhylysbaev@dulaty.kz

Position: Senior teacher
Academic degree: master Education science
E-mail: as.tursumbaev@dulaty.kz

Position: senior teacher
Academic degree: Master of Pedagogical Sciences in the specialty Physical culture and sports.
E-mail: ag.taimaganbetova@dulaty.kz

Position: Senior teacher
Academic degree: master natural science
E-mail: ad.nogerbek@dulaty.kz

Position: Senior Lecturer
Academic degree: Master of Education and Pedagogical Science
E-mail: ka.kenchimov@dulaty.kz

Position: Senior Lecturer
Academic degree: Boxing coach of the highest category of the Republic of Kazakhstan
E-mail: jt.akyrpekov@bulaty.kz

Position: Senior teacher
Academic degree: Master
E-mail: aa.alimbek@dulaty.kz

Position: laboratory assistant

Position: Teacher
Academic degree: Master pedagogical science
E-mail: al.baigabilova@dulaty.kz

- Department of Physical Culture and Sports of the Akimat of Zhambyl region;
- City Department of Physical Culture and Sports of the Akimat of Taraz;
- "Scientific and Practical Center for Physical Culture and Sports" of the Education Department of Zhambyl Region;
- School of Higher Sports Skills;
- Regional specialized children's and youth sports school of Olympic reserve No. 1
- Regional specialized children's and youth sports school of Olympic reserve No. 5
- Regional specialized children's and youth sports school of Olympic reserve No. 6
- Regional specialized children's and youth sports school of Olympic reserve No. 7
- Volleyball club "Taraz"
- Secondary School No. 32
- Secondary School No. 13
- Secondary School No. 53
- Secondary School No. 5
- Secondary School named after M. Auezov, Zhasarken village, Zhambyl region.
Graduates of EP 6B01421- "Physical culture and sports activities in the field of education" in the direction of training 6B014-Teacher training with a subject specialization of general development can work in the following specialties:
3422-1-002 - Physical education instructor
3422-1-005- Physical education methodologist
3422-1-006 - Physical education teacher
2334-0-047 - College Physical Education and Sports Teacher