Position Head of the Department, senior lecturer
Academic degree Master of pedagogy
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Address Building No. - , aud. -
The mission of the Department is to train highly qualified specialists in the field of physical culture and sports, who possess modern technologies of training and education for the labor market; creating conditions for obtaining high-quality higher education and / or postgraduate professional education; formation of highly moral, competent managers for various levels of management, responsible leaders of Kazakhstan business with creative thinking.
Purpose of the educational program:
Training of a physical education teacher and sports coach with fundamental theoretical and methodological foundations, with full-fledged integrated knowledge of basic disciplines, with professional competence in the field of physical education, knowledge of methods of teaching sports, monitoring and correcting the readiness of schoolchildren and athletes, ensuring competitiveness in the market of teaching and coaching personnel
- 6В01421- Physical culture and sports activities in the field of education Purpose of the educational program

Position: Head of the Department, senior lecturer
Academic degree: Master of pedagogy
E-mail: ns.beknurmanov@dulaty.kz

Position: Docent
Academic degree: Honored Coach of the RK
E-mail: Alshanov.s@dulaty.kz

Position: Docent
Academic degree: Honored Coach of the RK
E-mail: Konysbaev.e@dulaty.kz

Position: Docent
Academic degree: Honored Coach of the RK
E-mail: Sarybaev.a@dulaty.kz

Position: Docent
Academic degree: Honored Coach of the RK
E-mail: Stamkulov.m@dulaty.kz

Position: Docent
Academic degree: Honored Coach of the Republic of Kazakhstan
E-mail: Kydyraliev.a@dulaty.kz

Position: Docent
Academic degree: Honored Coach of the Republic of Kazakhstan
E-mail: Abdikerimov.S@dulaty.kz

Position: Docent
Academic degree: Honored Coach of the Republic of Kazakhstan
E-mail: Kilyshbaev@dulaty.kz
The name of the branch is the Regional specialized Children's and Youth Sports School of the Olympic Reserve No. 1
Location Kolbaszy Koigeldy street
Branch Agreement No. 95
Date 03.09.2020
Head S.K.Zhartybaev
A graduate can carry out professional activities in the following areas: organizations of secondary and vocational education, state bodies related to education (Ministry of education, departments and departments of education, akimats; private educational centers, sports organizations of various profiles) education;physical education;sports (mass sports, youth sports, Paralympic sports). state, public and private educational institutions, (preschool, school, average professional educational institutions,colleges, gymnasiums, schools), children's sports schools and clubs, businesses, government organizations, controls fusionskontrolle and sports activities;research organizations physical, of Sportivnaya, biomedical, developing problems of physical psihicheskogo health. Professional activity