Head of the Museum
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Адрес: st. Suleymanova 7
Creation of favorable conditions for the preservation, development and popularization of the heritage of the university museum; promotion of historical and scientific values of Kazakhstan, competitiveness, uniqueness of domestic science in world civilization and its advantages in the university sphere; acquaint students, teachers, professors, schoolchildren, Kazakhstanis, the public of the Zhambyl region and guests of the city with the history and achievements of the university; patriotic education of youth, effective presentation of the history of domestic science in a museum way using the latest technologies and computer equipment; creation of a museum program of innovative direction; Development of intelligence of the younger generation of Kazakhstan, its creative historical and personal education;
Our university is not only the educational center of our region, but also a major cultural center. The university museum is located here, telling the history of the university. Today, the museum has acquired the status of a cultural institution and has become one of the main factors in raising the level of education of the people and ensuring their aesthetic education. By visiting the museum, you will be able to get complete information about the life of the residents of the Taraz region and get acquainted with its subtleties. This is a sign of the civilization of our future youth. The contribution of our students to the development of spiritual thinking and cultural literacy is also great.

The museum was founded in 1998 as a result of the merger of three higher education institutions: Zhambyl University (ZhAMI), Zhambyl Irrigation and Construction Institute (ZhMKI) and Zhambyl Institute of Light and Technological Industry (ZhTEI). The University Museum is one of the museums of the Zhambyl region, providing valuable information about the history of the development of the higher education center, the development of the regional center of science and culture. Sapargaliev Malik Kinayatovich, the architect who created the museum project, deserved our country. U.K. Bishimbayev, who supported the project of this architect M. Sapargaliev and made a great contribution to its further implementation, and in turn, uniting the heads of these institutes, laid the foundation of Taraz State University - U.K. Bishimbayev, who was the first rector of the university. The museum presentation was ceremoniously opened on June 5, 2001 with the participation of Abish Kekilbayev, the first state secretary of the Republic of Kazakhstan, public figure, people's writer. Our famous writer signed: "The main lecture hall - museum for students of the University named after M. H. Dulati in the world-famous city of Taraz." The museum has been a university since its creation. About 2,000 artifacts related to history and science have been collected.

It consists of 5 halls, each of which has its own history:
Hall 1:
Hall M.H. Dulati - photographs taken at the traditional international scientific and practical conference "Dulati Readings" dedicated to the life and work of the great scientist, which was held within the walls of the university, as well as books published in the form of a collection. of our speeches were read there. Holy soil was laid, taken from the cemetery of Srinagar in the Kashmir region, where our grandfather M.H. Dulati is buried, and his bust was installed. It should be borne in mind that Muhammad Haidar Dulati, who laid the foundation of the history of the country and brought it to us from the depths of history, was a scientist, a major public figure and a military leader.

Hall 2:
The portraits of the rectors who were in leadership position in the institutes of Zhambyl region and Taraz State University are hung, their works, letters of thanks and greeting cards are displayed. Around the hall, on the table where N.A. Nazarbayev was sitting, in the book of honored guests, starting from N. Nazarbayev, who was our first president, many social and cultural figures, foreign guests wrote warm words about the university museum and its general history.

Hall 3:
The 3rd hall is dedicated to the history of the past and present development of the university. The hall contains a photo booth dedicated to veterans of the National Academy of Sciences, famous masters of sports, diplomas, cups and awards of students. sports achievements. A corner has been created for public figures, scientists M.F. Urkimbaev and A.S. Akhmetov. In the museum hall, detailed information about all faculties and structural divisions of the university is posted in the form of a photo stand, medals, cups, awards for the achievements of our athletes are on display. The scientific and pedagogical achievements of each faculty to date have been published, diplomas have been awarded, and on the eve of the 60th anniversary of our university, a specially made Dulati badge with an image of our grandfather M.Kh. Dulati was installed.

Hall 4 – Hall of International Communications.
Asia, Europe and America, etc., which are in contact with our university, research institutes, and a book with flags of foreign countries and signatures and wishes of guests. The department stands display agreements between universities, albums of memoranda from the signing ceremony of the agreement on scientific relations with universities of far and near abroad, including Indiana University, Fresno University, USA, as well as on the membership of TarMU in the Magna Charta of Bologna, Italy.

Hall 5:
The fifth hall is the ethnography hall, the hall telling about the ancient history of Taraz, the culture of the Kazakh people, consists of 12 sections. The exhibits of the hall are saturated with rich materials, filled with artifacts found as a result of the educational experience of students and archaeological research. Early household granary of the 7th-8th centuries. Tools, knives, axes, household items made of ceramics, bronze, copper, stone are presented. Belts and girdles of the Middle Ages, Koranic men's fabric, erturman, old money, the 18th century. The exhibition presents silver jewelry, bracelets, key rings and bracelets. The section "Family of Nature" is of great interest to viewers. The hunting rifle was made by a master from the village of Berikkara, Karatau district (1886). There are also hunting birds such as the Kyrgyz eagle, hawk, falcon, hawk and falcon.

Valuable items are collected together with relics donated to the museum by university professors and teachers, and also provide a brief historical and ethnographic overview of the Zhambyl region. It is of great interest to guests from abroad.
The Balasaguni Museum, one of the museums of the Taraz Regional University named after M.Kh. Dulati, was opened in November 2007 on the occasion of the 40th anniversary of TarazMPI with the aim of glorifying the achievements and features of the institute of that time and familiarizing with archaeological values. Opening of Balasagun, one of the medieval cities of the Zhambyl region. The initiator of the opening of the museum was the candidate of physical and mathematical sciences of the Al-Farabi Kazakh National University. Professor U.Kh. Shalekenov. The first museum was opened in a room of 99.8 square meters on the second floor of the second building of the Taraz State Pedagogical Institute. Professor D.P. Under the leadership of Kozhamzharova, in October 2017 it was moved to a two-story building with an area of 625 square meters. The museum is one of the spiritual centers of the university, collecting memories of the past. The general museum consists of two parts:

In the exhibition hall:the first part is dedicated to the poet, scientist-scientist - born in 1020 in the city of Balasagun - Yusup Has Khadzhip Balasaguni. The year of his death is unknown, the greatest work of Balasaguni that has reached our time is the poem "Kudatgu Bilik" ("Knowledge that brings salvation"), written in the ancient Turkic language in 1069. Three versions of the poem have reached us: Vienna, Egypt, (Cairo), Namangan (Fergana). These versions have been carefully studied by orientalists and the value of these works is unanimously approved. Previously, it was shortened into Russian, and then translated in detail into Uzbek, but in 1986, the poet and scientist Askar Egeubaev translated it from the ancient Turkic language into Kazakh and wrote words of gratitude and comments. Valuable works translated into Turkish and Kazakh languages have found a place in the museum. The rest of the museum is dedicated to the city of Balasagun, one of the cities with such a medieval name, passing over the cities of Kazakhstan on the northern branch of the Great Silk Road. It has reached us in the form of an archaeological monument, completely penetrated into the ground. The place of origin of this "Sandy" city is the Shu district of the Zhambyl region, the former collective farm "Kalinin" on the land of the current village of "Balasagun", along the Almaty-Taraz highway. On the site of a large medieval city called "Aktobe" appeared the Kazakh National University named after al-Farabi. Professor U.Kh. Shalekenov studied there.

09/28/2023 It was concluded by the head of the department for organizing the activities of the accounting, storage, exhibition and educational halls of the National Center for Manuscripts and Rare Books A. Baimaganbetova and the head of the host museum A. Kalabayeva. The National Center for Manuscripts and Rare Books donated the following book to the Balasaguni Museum: This happened in the Balasaguni Museum.

2) the fund of the relics department.
"History of the University", containing information about the faculties, expositions.
The museum fund contains more than 300 types of various data: documents reflecting the main events; higher education of the teacher-professor. photographs of the history of the location; There are awards, personal belongings, monographs, books, textbooks, collections.
Exhibits of the medieval hall of Balasaguni:

Jar (early 11th-13th centuries)
It is made of clay with the addition of gravel, sand and soil mass. Burning of the pot is normal. The wide-necked bowl with protruding sides is made and glued separately from three parts: the neck, the side and the bottom. The height of the jar is 39 cm. The diameter of the finished spring is 11 cm, the diameter of the side is 25 cm, the diameter of the bottom is 12 cm. The handle attached to the bottom and side of the bed is broken. The wall thickness is 0.8-1 cm.
Clay keel-shaped vessel (IX-XI centuries)
It is made of clay mixed with sand and slag, and evenly fired. The height of the bowl is 28 cm, the diameter of the bowl is 22 cm. The diameter of the bottom is 16 cm. The wall thickness is 1.5-4 cm. The color is orange-yellow. The tongue is broken.
Eye (IX-X centuries)
Firing a pot of clay mixed with pebbles and sand by hand is normal. The height of the vessel without processing is 17.5 cm. The diameter of the vertical end is 16 cm. The diameter of the side is 10.5 cm. The length of the knot is 5 cm. The width is 2 cm. Three fingerprints are imprinted on the surface of the knot. The outside of the vessel is covered with soot.
Tegesh (6th-8th centuries)
It is roughly made of clay mixed with gravel and sand. The diameter is 13 cm. The wall at the bottom slightly widens outward and the lip ends vertically. The height of the bowl is 9 cm. The bowl is broken, half is missing.
Keli (8th-10th centuries)
Он изготовлен вручную из глины, смешанной с песком. Высота чаши 13 см. Его диаметр 16 см. Диаметр уплощенного дна 12 см. Толщина стенки 1,4 см. Равномерно обожженный, оранжево-желтый цвет.
Кути (VI-VIII вв.)
It is hand-made from clay mixed with sand. The height of the bowl is 13 cm. Its diameter is 16 cm. The diameter of the flattened bottom is 12 cm. The wall thickness is 1.4 cm. Uniformly fired, orange-yellow color.
Kuti (6th-8th centuries)
It is glued by hand and resembles a jar in shape. Height - 8 cm. Its diameter is 4 cm. The side diameter is 6 cm. The color is pinkish-brown.
The bottom of the jug (IX-XI centuries)
Apparently, the broken bottom of a three-piece jug was used as a further vessel. Diameter 16 cm. Height - 8 cm. Thickness - 1.4 cm. Color yellowish-red. Horseshoe-shaped bracket (9th-11th centuries) Bronze item (9th-11th centuries) The set includes a ring and an ornament on one side. Bronze clamp (11th-12th centuries) It looks like a key. Patterned iron brackets (9th-11th centuries) Handle and hook-shaped brackets (9th-11th centuries) Iron equipment (11th-12th centuries) Knife handle, arrowhead, chain link, ring, ring buckle with tongue. Number lock and loading part (IX-XI centuries) Rough stones - 5 pcs., flints - 1 pc., special-purpose stones - 1 pc. The spring diameter is 11.5 cm, the rim diameter is 27 cm. There is a thumbprint on the underside of the handle on the outside. Eye (VIII-X centuries) Shoots evenly. Height - 19 cm. Side diameter is 16 cm. Bottom diameter is 8.5 cm. Keli (XI-XII centuries) Shoots evenly. The appearance is heavily damaged. Height - 22 cm. Its diameter is 12 cm. The color is red-brown. Keli is a vessel for separating and grinding grains. A house that comes from ancient times. Kazan (X-XII centuries) The bottom of the spherical container is flat. The position of the handle is preserved. The bottom is covered with soot, etc.