Activity direction
Establishing relations with regional education departments of the Republic of Kazakhstan and city education departments;
- • Targeted work with Kazakhstani schools and communication with the administration in terms of education;
- • Organization and holding of meetings for graduates of educational organizations providing general secondary education and vocational secondary education and their parents;
- • Organization and holding of Open Days and excursions inside the University for students of educational organizations providing general secondary education and vocational secondary education;
- • Participation in annual international and republican educational exhibitions - conducting quality information and explanatory work, providing applicants and parents with complete and comprehensive information on admission to Dulati, as well as participating in other professional orientation events;
- • Advise applicants on the procedure of admission and preparation of documents through the telephone line of the call center, the University's website and social networks;
- • Dissemination of complete, comprehensive and reliable information about the University, as well as the terms of admission, opportunities to participate in contests for awarding state and internal grants;
- • Distribution and publication of newsletters in order to attract applicants and create conditions for the University's position in the market of educational services;

Position: Specialist
Contact number: +77053975512
E-mail: almagul.tankina@mail.ru

Position: Specialist
Contact number: +77002209191
E-mail: Anara_private@mail.ru