Position Head of the Department, associate Professor
Academic degree Ph.D.
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Address Building No.1.3,aud.308
History of the Department of Russian Language and Literature
The Department of Russian Language and Literature has its own glorious history and traditions. In June 1967, by the Order of the Minister of Higher and Secondary Specialized Education of the Kazakh SSR No. 420, the Philological Faculty was organized at the Dzhambul Pedagogical Institute named after the 50th Anniversary of the October Revolution, which included the Department of Russian and Foreign Languages, headed by S.F. Vasilenko.
The department consisted of 6 teachers: S.F. Vasilenko, Zh.K. Ospanov, D.A. Ospanova, E.A. Tokoreva, V.Zh. Ismagulova-Kulishova, A.A. Smagulova.
In 1968, the Department of Russian Language and Literature separated from the Department of Russian and Foreign Languages. Doctor of Philology, Professor R.I. Murzafarov became the head of this department. The department was replenished with leading teachers such as B.S. Sadullaev, I.I. Devitsky, N.P. Kudryashov, L.I. Kozhemyakina, L.V. Tolkacheva, N.F. Sivkova, V.S. Li, L.K. Shpak, N.K. Glushkov, Zh.A. Ismailova, O.V. Radutnaya, Kh.T. Abdrakhmanova, G.S. Imanbekova.
The highly qualified faculty of the department is distinguished by its professionalism and organizational skills. Among them are such famous scientists as Aputan Gaparovich Shukanov, Maira Seitzhaparovna Dzhilkishieva, Angelina Zhumashevna Kadiyalieva, Liliya Alekseevna Aladyina, Maria Estayevna Minaydarova, Abdrakhman Gulnar Kabylkalymkyzy, Altayeva Gulnara Abdullovna, Galina Anatolyevna Bedusenko, Sallahitdin Omirdinovich Muminov, Natalya Vasilyevna Svidova. There are also young scientists who are working on scientific projects. This is Baizhigit Botagoz Sabitovna, a young PhD doctor. More than 300 works have been published in various scientific and pedagogical publications, including 5 monographs, more than 30 textbooks. Over its more than half-century history, the department's specialists have trained more than 20 thousand teachers of Russian studies, who successfully work in universities, schools and colleges, many of whom have become famous scientists, journalists, public and cultural figures.
Currently, the department trains graduates in a number of educational programs of bachelor's, master's, and doctoral degrees. The professionalism and high qualifications of the teaching staff are reflected in honorary awards and titles. Winners of the competition of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan "Best University Teacher": Abdrakhman G.K. 2007 and 2020, Maigeldieva Sh.M. 2016, Safronova L.V. 2012, Dzhilkishieva M.S. 2009, Dzhylkybekova G.T. 2015. Professor Shukanov A.G., associate professors Alad'ina L.A. and Svidova N.V., PhD Altaeva G.A., teacher Malysheva R.V. were awarded the "Y. Altynsarin" badge.
The teachers of the department are actively engaged in the development of textbooks for secondary comprehensive schools with Russian as the language of instruction. Today, students of grades 5 and 9 of the Republic of Kazakhstan study Russian literature using textbooks authored by Professor L. V. Safronova and Associate Professor N. V. Svidova.
Bachelor's program
6В01706 –Training Lecturers of the Russian language and literature
Master's program
7М01702 – Training of Lecturers of Russian language and literature
PhD program
8D01702 - Training of Lecturers of the Russian language and literature
Position: Head of the Department, associate professor
Academic degree: Candidate of Philological Sciences
E-mail: ga.altaeva@dulaty.kz
Position: associate professor
Academic degree: PhD in Education
E-mail: me.minajdarova@dulaty.kz
Position: professor
Academic degree: PhD in Philology
E-mail: gk.abdrakhman@dulaty.kz
Position: associate professor
Academic degree: PhD in Philology
E-mail: aa.aladina@dulaty.kz
Position: associate professor
Academic degree: PhD in Philology
E-mail: nv.svidova@dulaty.kz
Position: associate professor
Academic degree: PhD in Education
E-mail: gt.dzhylkybekova@dulaty.kz
Position: senior lecturer
Academic degree: master
E-mail: zhb.mykhanova@dulaty.kz
Position: senior lecturer
Academic degree: master
E-mail: ra.zhumagaliev@dulaty.kz
Position: senior lecturer
Academic degree: master
E-mail: bs.bajzhigit@dulaty.kz
Position: senior lecturer
Academic degree: master
E-mail: rv.alimbetova@dulaty.kz
Position: senior lecturer
Academic degree: master
E-mail: ash.kadyrbaev@dulaty.kz
Position: associate professor
Academic degree: candidate of Pedagogical Sciences
E-mail: bs.asankulova@dulaty.kz
Position: senior lecturer
Academic degree: master's degree
E-mail: sn.kungurova@dulaty.kz
Position: senior lecturer
Academic degree: master's degree
E-mail: zhs.bukenova@dulaty.kz
Position: senior lecturer
Academic degree: master's degree
E-mail: ba.maldybaeva@dulaty.kz
Position: senior lecturer
Academic degree: master's degree
E-mail: gs.isakova@dulaty.kz
Position: senior lecturer
Academic degree: master's degree
E-mail: rt.sultanbekova@dulaty.kz
Position: senior lecturer
Academic degree: master's degree
E-mail: lk.omarkulova@dulaty.kz
Position: senior lecturer
Academic degree: master's degree
E-mail: as.zhamanbaeva@dulaty.kz
Position: senior lecturer
Academic degree: master's degree
E-mail: yek.kutymbetova@dulaty.kz
Position: associate professor
Academic degree: PhD in Education
E-mail: ln.ibraimova@dulaty.kz
Model of an educational program’s graduate of 6B01706 - "Training of teachers of Russian language and literature" in the field of training 6B017 - "Training of teachers of languages and literature" is a competent specialist who has mastered the theoretical and methodological foundations and modern technologies of teaching Russian language and literature.
Government bodies associated with the organization, implementation, monitoring and control of educational and upbringing activities:
- secondary education organizations;
- vocational education organizations;
- education departments and administrations;
- research organizations engaged in the study of educational problems.
85.31.0 Basic and general secondary education
85.32.1 Vocational education
85.32.2 Secondary specialized education
85.59.9 Other activities in the field of education, not included in other groups.