Final conference

On May 22-24, 2024, the final conference of the REILEAP project was held at the Tashkent Institute of Textile and Light Industry and the Jizzakh Polytechnic Institute (Uzbekistan). The final results of the work packages WP1 - Preparation, WP2 and WP3 - Development, WP4 - Quality Plan, WP5 - Dissemination and Exploitation, WP6 - Project Management over 3.5 years were discussed at the conference.

Budget expenditures were reviewed and recommendations were given for writing the final report.

During the conference, a representative of M.Kh. Dulaty Taraz Regional University, national and local project coordinator Bekzhan Abzalbekuly spoke about the work of educational centers (M.Kh. Dulaty Taraz Regional University and M. Auezov South Kazakhstan University).   A final report on the work done on the project was also presented.

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REILEAP” 15th Meeting

On April 16-17, 2024, the 15th meeting of the Erasmus+ 618930-EPP-1-2020-1-EL-EPPKA2-CBHE-JP “Reinforcing capacities of HEIs for leather and leather products in Uzbekistan-Kazakhstan” REILEAP project took place in the city of Bucharest (Romania).

On behalf of the M.Kh.Dulaty Taraz Regional University, the meeting was attended by the local coordinator of the project Bekzhan Abzalbekuly and PhD Gulzira Jumabekova.

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Opening of the Shoe Center!

On October 12, 2023, the grand opening of the “Shoe Center” took place at the M.Kh. Dulaty Taraz Regional University as part of the REILEAP project. Project coordinator Nikolaos Bilalis, Vice-Rector for Strategic Development and Internationalization Sholpan Yessimova, and a representative of the Taraz city administration cut the ribbon and congratulated all participants on the official opening.

The center includes two classrooms: 2.4.111 and 2.3.117.

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Project partners at shoe factories!

After the visit of the Center for Physico-Chemical Research and the Laboratory of Nanoengineering Research, foreign partners of the project from Greece, Italy, Turkey, Romania, and Uzbekistan visited footwear enterprises in the city of Taraz: “TarazKozhObuv” LLP and “Ellin Shoes” LLP. They got acquainted with the shoe production technology and the range of products. A conversation took place with the general director and employees of the shoe factory. Problems in the footwear industry and ways to solve them using the latest technologies and 3D modeling were discussed.

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Project partners at Dulaty University!

On October 12, 2023, at the M.Kh. Dulaty Taraz Regional University, a workshop in round table format was held on the topic “Prospects for the development of the leather and footwear industry in Kazakhstan” by the REILEAP project. The workshop was attended by foreign partners of the project from Greece, Italy, Turkey, Romania, and Uzbekistan, the akimat of the city of Taraz, representatives of the leather and footwear industry of the Republic of Kazakhstan, as well as the former rector of the university, academician Uskenbai Madiev. In total, 100 people attended the meeting.

The meeting was opened by project coordinator Nikolaos Bilalis and Dulaty University vice-rector for strategic development and internationalization Sholpan Yessimova. Nikolaos Bilalis introduced university teachers and students with the Technical University of Crete (Greece), Bogdan Rusu and Arina Seul with the Gheorghe Asachi Technical University of Iasi (Romania), and Mehmet Mete Mutlu with Ege University (Turkey).

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Fourth training – Greece

Teachers and students of the "Textile, Materials Science and Standardization" department within the framework of the international project REILEAP - Reinforcing capacities of HEIs for leather and leather products in Uzbekistan-Kazakhstan 618930-EPP-1-2020-1-EL-EPPKA2-CBHE-JP passed two week training seminar (24.04.2023-05.05.2023) at the Polytechnic University of Crete (TUC) in Chania (Greece).

The purpose of the seminar is the creation and implementation of a capacity building program, curricula and training seminars, the study of European experience in the training of personnel in the leather and footwear industry. The training seminar was addressed to employees and students of Uzbek and Kazakh partner universities.

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Meeting of REILEAP project participants in Greece!

The 11th project meeting on the international project REILEAP - Reinforcing capacities of HEIs for leather and leather products in Uzbekistan-Kazakhstan 618930-EPP-1-2020-1-EL-EPPKA2-CBHE-JP was held on May 2 and 3, 2023 in the Technical University of Crete (TUC) in Chania (Greece). All project partners attended the meeting.

Project Coordinator Nikolaos Bilalis made a presentation and emphasized the purpose of the meeting, where the main topic was to discuss the final results of WP1 (Preparation) and WP2 (Development); progress in the implementation of WP4 (Quality Plan) and WP5 (Dissemination and use). On the second day during the meeting, the WP3 (Development) was considered, i.e. each partner university of Uzbekistan and Kazakhstan presented technological equipment, organized work, and provided human resources for 4 Centers. The events of pilot testing of the centers of Dulaty University, Auezov University, Tashkent Textile Institute, and Jizzakh Polytechnic Institute, the plan of network and joint activities of the above-mentioned partner universities were considered.

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REILEAP project at the ZHEIF-2023 exhibition

On April 26 and 27, 2023, the International Investment Forum "Zhambyl Economic and Investment Forum (ZHEIF) - 2023" was held in Taraz. Participants of this forum were more than 900 representatives of leading international and domestic companies, investors, experts, and opinion leaders, as well as representatives of sectoral ministries, heads of quasi-state companies from 4 countries (Iran, Lithuania, China, and Saudi Arabia), and cities of Kazakhstan.

The purpose of the forum is to form an investment, business, and creative environment, further establish investment ties, and strengthen mutually beneficial cooperation in various sectors of the economy, such as tourism, industry, digitalization, and agriculture.

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REILEAP project at the DU exhibition

On April 18, 2023 Dulaty University held a solemn meeting dedicated to the Day of "Scientists". During the event, an exhibition of scientific projects was organized, in which the REILEAP project took part, and the project participants acquainted the guests with the goal and current results.

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Meeting of REILEAP project participants in Italy!

On November 14-15, 2022, a regular meeting of the participants of the REILEAP project was held at Politecnico Calzaturiero (Padua, Italy), which was attended by representatives of Greece, Turkey, Romania, Kazakhstan, and Uzbekistan.

During the meeting, the current status of the project and plans for the future were discussed. All universities defended the presentation on working projects (WP): WP2 and WP3 – Development; WP4 – Quality Plan; WP5 – Dissemination and Exploitation; WP6 - Project Management. The results of the training sessions were also considered.

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Third training - Italy

From November 7 to 18, 2022, the third training session under the Erasmus + REILEAP project was held at Politecnico Calzaturiero (Padua, Italy). The training was attended by Dulaty University representatives:  Bekzhan Abzalbekuly, Gulzira Jumabekova, Svetlana Burdeyeva, Nurbolat Tashshabayev and students of the educational program "6В07222-Innovative technologies of leather products" Dauren Kuatbek (2nd year) and Yerdaulet Shildekhan (1st year).

During the training, lectures were held on the topics "Production management and process control", "Marketing", "Product Customization: tools for design", and "Soft skills in a manufacturing environment". All participants received certificates.

The training participants visited the «Museo Della Calzatura Villa Foscarini Rossi Shoe Museum». And also an excursion to the shoe factory “Footwear Company HIM.CO” was organized.

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Second training - Romania

From July 4 to 15, 2022, at the “George Asachi” Technical University of Iasi (Iasi, Romania), the second training was held under the Erasmus+ REILEAP project on working with MindCAD 3D, MindCAD 2D and MindCAD Last programs for computer-aided design of shoes. Bekzhan Abzalbekuly, Gulzira Jumabekova, Shakhlo Khalmetova, Laura Yussupova, Svetlana Burdeyeva and Assel Baidildayeva took part in the training from Dulaty University. All participants received certificates.

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First training - Turkey

On June 13-24, 2022, the first of four trainings under the Erasmus+ REILEAP project was held in the city of Izmir, Turkey. The training was attended by 2 teachers and 4 students from each university. Bekzhan Abzalbekuly, Gulzira Jumabekova, 3rd year PhD student Assel Baydildayeva, 1st year students Zhanel Turym, Azhar Altybay and Beibit Ongdashyn went from Dulaty University.

During the training, the methods of testing leather and raw materials, the processes of leather production were shown. They also got acquainted with the work of the leather company "Sepiciler". At the end of the first week, an exam was held and certificates were awarded to teachers.

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Meeting of REILEAP project participants in Izmir (Turkey)

The sixth meeting of the participants of the "Reinforcing capacities of HEIs for leather and leather products in Uzbekistan-Kazakhstan 618930-EPP-1-2020-1-EL-EPPKA2-CBHE-JP" REILEAP project was held at Ege University, Turkey, on 9-11 March, 2022. It was attended by 26 representatives of Uzbekistan, Kazakhstan, Romania, Greece and Turkey.

The meeting was opened by the project coordinator Nikolaos Bilalis (Greece). In his speech, he gave an assessment of the implementation of the work packages (WP) of the project: WP1 - Project status and future actions; WP2 – Organization of Work / Proposal for Course Development; WP3 - Status of equipment acquisition; WP4 - Quality Strategy Development; WP5 – Dissemination Strategy Development.

Aura Mihai (Romania) analyzed the survey.

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The international exhibition Inventcor is held in Romania, in the city of Deva every year. The project Erasmus+ 618930-EPP-1-2020-1-EL-EPPKA2-CBHE-JP “Reinforcing capacities of HEIs for leather and leather products in Uzbekistan-Kazakhstan” REILEAP received a gold medal at the Inventcor 2021 - international exhibition on December 16-18, 2021. Congratulations!

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On December 15, 2021, the monitoring of the Erasmus+ REILEAP project took place at the M.Auezov South Kazakhstan University. The monitoring was carried out by Shaizada Tasbulatova, Director of the National Erasmus+ Office in Kazakhstan.

The purpose of monitoring was to identify gaps and shortcomings in project development, assess the implementation strategy and project management. There were also considered some difficulties and problematic aspects of the project.

During the monitoring, the progress of the following project work packages was discussed: WP1 - Preparation, WP2 - Development (training), WP3 - Development (opening and equipping a leather goods center), WP4 - Quality plan, WP5 – Dissemination and exploitation, WP6 – Project Management.

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The members of the Erasmus+ project "Reinforcing capacities of HEIs for leather and leather products in Uzbekistan-Kazakhstan 618930-EPP-1-2020-1-EL-EPPKA2-CBHE-JP" REILEAP met with partners - the management of the "ELLIN SHOES" shoe factory: Julia Pochinok and Periklis Skumpris, on November 2, 2021. The meeting took place in the industrial premises of the factory in the presence of seamstresses, tighteners, cutters The project manager- Bekzhan Abzalbekuly, told the audience about the goals and objectives of the international project Erasmus+, the main of which are to provide assistance to enterprises of the leather and footwear industry in Kazakhstan in the field of training, professional development of workers and equipping laboratories to determine the quality of leather.

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The first offline meeting of the participants of the project “Reinforcing capacities of HEIs for leather and leather products in Uzbekistan-Kazakhstan 618930-EPP-1-2020-1-EL-EPPKA2-CBHE-JP" REILEAP was held at the Tashkent Institute of Textile and Light Industry, on 13-16 October, 2021. The title of the international seminar was "Actual issues of strategic partnership between HEIs and industrial in enterprises of leather, fur, and footwear and leather products sector"

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