Scientists of the University present the results of their research at conferences, symposiums and forums at different levels in Kazakhstan and abroad. Every year the university organizes regional, national and international conferences in various fields of science.
Representatives of JSC "Science Foundation" together with the Department of Science and Commercialization of Taraz Regional University named after M.Kh. Dulaty held a seminar on grant funding, commercialization of results, proper application, preparation of documents, etc. The joint seminar was held on June 15, 2023 at the conference hall of the main building of Dulaty University.
Production equipment of the enterprise is part of its material and technical base, the growth and improvement of which is the most important condition for increasing the volume of turnover, profit and increasing their technical equipment. For this purpose on June 01, 2023 in the conference hall named after the 25th anniversary of Independence was held a scientific seminar with the participation of Dr. Sherov Karibek Takaevich, professor of the department of "Technological machines and equipment" of the Kazakh Agrotechnical Research University named after S. Seifullin.
The seminar was attended by faculty members and doctoral students of the Department of "Mechanics and Mechanical Engineering", "Transport Engineering and Technology" "Textiles, Material Science and Standardization", "Technical Physics". Innovative technologies in mechanical engineering, technologies of thermofriction machining (at low speeds) with pulse cooling, rotary friction turning of parts of bodies of rotation, rotary friction milling of flat surfaces, thermofriction milling of external cylindrical surfaces, etc. were considered. And the issues of cooperation in the field of science, development of internal mobility of teaching staff and students were also considered.

On April 18, 2023, a grand gathering was held at Dulaty University to celebrate "Science Workers' Day". During the event, an exhibition of scientific projects that made a significant contribution to the development of science, made scientific discoveries and received awards in various nominations was organized.
Science takes a long search and painstaking work. The projects of industry specialists are evaluated at a high level and used in production. It is a clear demonstration of the work done for the good of the country. The work of scientists who not only earned the title of scientist, but also strived for years to innovate has not gone unnoticed.
At the same time, the rector of the University Mukhtar Baizhumanov awarded a number of scientists with Honorary Diploma and letters of thanks of Dulaty University. Also at this meeting on the eve of the Day of Scientific Workers on April 12 were awarded to professors, scientists awarded by the Ministry of Science and Higher Education of the Republic of Kazakhstan.
– For the last 3 years our scientists have realized 26 research projects, including: 14 projects on grant basis and 9 projects on contractual basis, 3 international projects. Total financing of research and development work amounted to about 362.4 million tenge, having increased several times compared to previous years. Scientific results of the university faculty are traditionally published in the form of articles, reports, monographs and patents. "Over the last 3 years, 120 patents have been obtained, about 70 monographs have been published", says rector Mukhtar Kazybekovich.
The gala assembly continued with stage performances by creative students. Heartbreaking, energetic songs were sung, and unusual scenes made it seem as if they had been shaken by events in history.

On April 12, 2023 the founding meeting of Taraz Regional University named after M.Kh. Dulaty with Moscow University named after A.S. Griboyedov was held.
The meeting was held in online format and was attended by the First Vice Rector of Griboyedov Moscow University N. V. Avtionov and the management of the Faculty of Economics and Law of Dulaty University.
The meeting discussed some issues of cooperation in accordance with the previously signed agreement on education and scientific and technical cooperation, as well as the creation of a roadmap of cooperation between universities for the next 5 years.
Partner universities are considering the following issues:
- Realization of academic mobility of teaching staff and students;
- development and implementation of joint educational programs;
- development and realization of joint scientific projects,
- joint organization of scientific seminars, conferences and webinars.

Contributing to scientific progress is a separate success for a scientist. In this sphere Myrzashev Sagatbek is one of the tops. At the republican scientific-practical conference, which was held on April 17, 2023 in Taraz Regional University named after M.Kh. Dulaty, dedicated to the 70th anniversary of Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor, colleagues dwelled in more detail on the achievements and successes of the jubilee on the life path.
The conference started with the ceremony of laying flowers at the monument to the founder of the hydro-complex town, outstanding scientist Mars Urkimbayev. The jubilee event was opened and conducted by Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Professor Makhmetgaly Sarybekov.
At the conference, scientists of technical and hydromelioration and construction industries made reports on various topics, elaborated on the prospects of development of underground minerals lying in deep layers, preservation of environmental ecology, effective use of drinking and reclamation canals.
Sagatbek Myrzashev did a lot to raise the scientific potential of the industry. On a winter day, he simplified the construction of the Baikal-Amur Mainline while creating a unique technical installation and working tools for excavation, road construction, and mining operations. This and other achievements of the scientist were told at the meeting.
Sagatbek Myrzashev's book "Ғылым жолындағы ғұмырым (Gylym zholundagy gumyrym)" was presented at the conference.

On April 17, 2023, a research seminar was held at Dulaty University with the theme "Methodological Support for Faculty in Commercialization"

On March 28, 2023 the international scientific conference "Independent Kazakhstan: Language and Onomastics" was held
The conference with the participation of university scientists from Turkey, Uzbekistan, Karakalpakstan, Kyrgyzstan, Kazakhstan discussed the issue of the state language, the role of onomastics in the revival of historical memory. Scholars have focused on papers and methods published in the field during the years of independence.
At the conference, Professor Orhan Soilemez, Ph.D., of the Department of Modern Turkic Languages and Literature at Kastamonu University, in his report on "Language, Literature and National Identity in Independent Kazakhstan," focused on the direction of linguistic education and methodology of teaching the Kazakh language during the years of independence. The professor highlighted that the right political and cultural agendas have been adopted in the rekazakhization of land and water names. He pointed out that it is important to analyze the results of the formation of national onomastics directions at the international level in order to reform writing and develop national values.
Yrysty Kuttymuratova, Doctor of Philology, Head of the Department of Kazakh Language and Literature of Nukus State Pedagogical Institute named after Azhiniyaz, analyzed "Toponymic Names in Karakalpakstan". She noted that the similarities in the word usage of the sister countries can be seen in the names of places.
The conference, at which scientists from neighboring countries shared their ideas about the origin, development and ways of formation of names of places and water bodies, was very fruitful. In doing so, she defined the place and role of national cognitive manifestations in the education of the future generation and in general.
At the last meeting about 20 scholars presented their scientific concepts from different aspects of the field of onomastics. And new information was announced about the names of places and bodies of water.