Head of Strategic Planning and Coordination Department
Контакный телефон: 87011112581
Адрес: Тараз., ул. Толе би 60
Задать вопросThe main objective is to develop, support, coordinate, and monitor the implementation process of the University's development program and action plan, mitigating the negative impact of both foreign and domestic factors on the University's goals and objectives.
The activities focus on two main aspects: development, support, coordination, and monitoring of the University's development program and action plan implementation process; minimising the adverse influence of foreign and domestic factors on achieving the University's outlined objectives as per the development program and other legislative documents, ensuring the University's resilience and stability, and addressing any negative feedback.
- Aligning the University's strategic directions and objectives with the strategic goals of the Republic of Kazakhstan and the development concept of higher education and science in the country for 2023-2029.
- Establishing a well-rounded strategic planning system aimed at fostering strategic cooperation among the University's programs to develop its potential and explore foreign markets.
- Creating mechanisms to enhance management efficiency and bolster the University's competitiveness by adopting modern methods of organisational, personnel, and financial management.
- The activities are geared towards achieving the following tasks:
- Organising, coordinating, and refining the planning and projection processes for events outlined in the University Development Program for the mid and long term.
- Crafting Strategic Programs for the University's activities (in collaboration with structural divisions) to shape long-term competitive priorities, and overseeing their implementation through operational management and control.
- Establishing an efficient mechanism for developing and support promising strategic projects across various University activity domains.
- Creating an ideological support system for planning and executing strategic objectives in alignment with the University's mission, coordinating strategic plans across all areas, and monitoring progress through reports on structural changes. Additionally, analysing measures to implement the University strategy and providing recommendations for their execution.

Должность: chief specialist
Контакный телефон: +7 (747) 911 04 91