
Abdykadyrova Tursynay Rystaevna

Position Head of the Department, Professor

Academic degree Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences

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Address Building No. - 4.2, aud. - 419


The strategic goal of the department is to prepare competitive, qualified, comprehensively developed, with deep knowledge and mastered new practical skills.The obligatory thing of the department is to provide a high-quality educational and scientific process based on the latest technologies in the specialty.

Educational program

Undergraduate Programs

6B01700 – Training of teachers of the Kazakh language and literature

Master Degree Programs

7М01701 - Training of teachers of the Kazakh language and literature

Doctoral Degree Programs (PhD)

8D01701- Training of teachers of the Kazakh language and literature

The professor-teaching staff
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Abdykadyrova Tursynay Rystaevna

Position: Head of the Department, Professor

Academic degree: Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences

E-mail: tr.abdykadyrova@dulaty.kz

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Makulova Laura Tulegenovna

Position: Associate Professor (docent)

Academic degree: Candidate of Philological Sciences

E-mail: lt.makulova@dulaty.kz

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Shormakova Saulet Medeubekovna

Position: Associate Professor (docent)

Academic degree: Candidate of Philological Sciences

E-mail: sm.shormakova@dulaty.kz

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Sarsembayeva Miramkul Konyratbaeva

Position: Associate Professor (docent)

Academic degree: Candidate of Philological Sciences

E-mail: mk.sarsembaeva@dulaty.kz

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Baimbetova Aigerim Abdimalikovna

Position: Associate Professor (docent)

Academic degree: Candidate of Philological Sciences

E-mail: aa.baimbetova@dulaty.kz

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Salamatova Rahat Makhanbetzhanovna

Position: Associate Professor (docent)

Academic degree: Candidate of Philological Sciences

E-mail: rm.salamatova@dulaty.kz

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Abdualieva Zhazira Begadilovna

Position: Associate Professor (docent)

Academic degree: Candidate of Philological Sciences

E-mail: zhb.abdualieva@dulaty.kz

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Meyrmanova Gulnur Sovetovna

Position: Associate Professor (docent)

Academic degree: Candidate of Philological Sciences

E-mail: gs.meirmanova@dulaty.kz

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Zhanna Muratbekovna Zhampeisova

Position: Associate Professor (docent)

Academic degree: Candidate of Philological Sciences

E-mail: zhm.zhampejsova@dulaty.kz

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Beisenuly Zhakip

Position: Docent

Academic degree: PhD

E-mail: zh.bejsenuly@dulaty.kz

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Nazarbekova Alua Akhmediyarovna

Position: Senior teacher

Academic degree: PhD

E-mail: aa.nazarbekova@dulaty.kz

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Dzhaparova Gulmira Kalieva

Position: Senior teacher

Academic degree: Master of Psychological Sciences

E-mail: gk.dzhapparova@dulaty.kz

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Shakhanova Elmira Amanzholovna

Position: Senior teacher

Academic degree: Master of Pedagogical Sciences

E-mail: yea.shakhanova@dulaty.kz

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Kenzhekulova Farida Konarbayevna

Position: Senior teacher

Academic degree: Master of Philological Sciences

E-mail: fk.kenzhekulova@dulaty.kz

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Ainakulova Zhanat Yerzhanovna

Position: Senior teacher

Academic degree: Master of humanitarian Sciences

E-mail: zhe.ajnakulova@dulaty.kz

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Ainur Aitmukhanovna Moldabayeva

Position: Senior teacher

Academic degree: Master of Philological Sciences

E-mail: aa.moldabaeva@dulaty.kz

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Espenbetova Gulnur Talasbayevna

Position: Senior teacher

Academic degree: Master of humanitarian Sciences

E-mail: gt.espenbetova@dulaty.kz

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Abdimomynov Edilbek Bakhytzhanovich

Position: Senior teacher

Academic degree: PhD

E-mail: eb.abdimomynov@dulaty.kz

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Sarsembayeva Aigul Asanovna

Position: Teacher

Academic degree: Master of Philological Sciences

E-mail: aa.sarsembaeva@dulaty.kz

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Rsymbetova Nurzhamal Mynbaevna

Position: Teacher

Academic degree: Master of Philological Sciences

E-mail: nm.rsymbetova@dulaty.kz

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Belgibayeva Akmaral Alimzhanova

Position: Teacher

Academic degree: Master of humanitarian Sciences

E-mail: aa.belgibaeva@dulaty.kz

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Kalieva Zhansaya Darkhanovna

Position: Senior teacher

Academic degree: Master of Philological Sciences

E-mail: zhd.kalieva@dulaty.kz

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Bogenbaeva Aigerim Bekturganovna

Position: Senior teacher

Academic degree: PhD

E-mail: a.bogenbayeva@dulaty.kz


Partnerships have been established with the Department of Language Development of the Akimat of the Zhambyl Region, the Zhambyl TV channel, regional and city education departments, as well as with several schools.

Graduate model
  • The implementation of the educational program is the maximum employment of graduates. Every year the salary of teachers of schools and colleges rises, the status of teachers rises. In this regard, the analysis of the results of the employment of graduates shows a positive dynamics of employment.
  • Graduates of the specialty "Kazakh language and literature" can, on the basis of their knowledge, carry out the following types of professional activities:
  • education (pedagogical direction) - teacher of the Kazakh language and literature;
  • specialist in the field of linguistics;
  • government bodies related to the organization, conduct, monitoring and control of educational activities: - organizations of secondary and higher education; - departments and divisions of education; - research organizations dealing with the study of educational issues.
Certificate of specialized accreditation