

Position Head of the Department, Acting associate professor

Academic degree PhD

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Effective possession of advanced models of innovative education, high scientific potential, competitive at the international level and meeting modern requirements, training of highly qualified specialists in demand on the domestic and international labor market, tourism, restaurant and hotel business, as well as competitive services, training of specialists that meets the interests of students and higher education institution in quality education, providing each student and graduate student with the opportunity to choose the content of education. Formation of students' personality, acquisition of educational, business and cultural skills.

Educational program

Undergraduate Programs

  • 6В11111 - Tourism business
  • 6В11114 - Restaurant and hotel business
The professor-teaching staff
Orynbaeva Ultugan Ablekovna

Position: Associate professor of the department

Academic degree: Candidate of Technical Sciences

E-mail: ua.orynbaeva@dulaty.kz

Zhapsarbekov Galymzhan Permenkulovich

Position: Associate professor of the department

Academic degree: : Candidate of Technical Sciences (PhD)

E-mail: gp.zhapsarbekov@dulaty.kz

Moldasheva Altynai Boranbaevna

Position: Associate professor of the department

Academic degree: Candidate of Economic Science

E-mail: ab.moldasheva@dulaty.kz

Nauryzbaeva Aigul Abylkhanovna

Position: Associate professor of the department

Academic degree: Candidate of Economic Science

E-mail: aa.nauryzbaeva@dulaty.kz

Bekbaulina Sabira Khakimovna

Position: Senior teacher

Academic degree: master

E-mail: skh.bekbaulina@dulaty.kz

Dzholanov Ermek Ermekovich

Position: Senior teacher

Academic degree: master

E-mail: ee.dzholanov@dulaty.kz

Dosymova Orazkul Zhumabaevna

Position: Senior teacher

Academic degree: master

E-mail: : oz.dosymova@dulaty.kz

Duisembaeva Almira Toktanazarovna

Position: Senior teacher

Academic degree: master

E-mail: at.dujsembaeva@dulaty.kz

Kadirbekova Aruzhan Asanovna

Position: Senior teacher

Academic degree: master

E-mail: aa.kadirbekova@dulaty.kz


In order to develop scientific potential and improve the quality of educational and methodological work, the department was established with the Association of the tourism industry of the Zhambyl region; Public utility institution "Directorate for the Protection and Restoration of Historical and Cultural Monuments of the Department of Culture, Archives and Documentation of the Akimat of the Zhambyl Region"; SamisiSayyon plus LLP, Republic of Uzbekistan., Zharnama Mіkh LLP; Kyzylorda Sanatorium-preventorium LLP

Zhanros Drilling LLP; Department of Physical Culture and Sports of Akimat of Zhambyl Region, LLP "MARVEN TOUR", Department of Entrepreneurship and Industrial and Innovative Development of Akimat of Zhambyl Region; MSOPE "Zhambyl Regional Museum of History and Local Lore" "Voyage - KZ" LLP, Almaty, FE "Kambatyroff", FE "Tastanbekova IP"; LLP "Ali - Med"; LLP "TarazProfsoyuz Tourist"; LLP "Baylyk "; FE" Clean Home "; Directorate of the first Turkic games; LLP" Taraz Invest Consult "; Department of energy and housing and communal services of the Akimat of Zhambyl region; LLP LOTS" Samal "; Health Department of the Akimat of Zhambyl region. And also, LLP" Zhambyl-Service ", LLP "ZhambylOnakUyi", FE "Leshtaeva M." Restaurant "Gaugartas".

Graduate model

5В090200– Tourism

6В11113- Catering business

Be able to:

- Be able to develop new tourism projects that meet the requirements of the tourism industry, identify priority areas in the design

- To be able to identify the elements of tourism infrastructure to the greatest extent capable of satisfying the recreational needs of the population, to analyze the features of the influence of geographical factors on the development of tourism

- To be able to develop a mission, strategic goals of the organization, carry out strategic analysis in tourism, provide management and quality control in the system of tourism services, organize customer service in the tourism business, use a knowledge system about the principles of accounting to develop and substantiate the accounting policy of the organization

- Be able to collect, analyze, systematize and determine the importance of economic information, state logically, reasonably and clearly economic information on their professional activities, analyze factors and identify trends in the development of the tourism business, plan and predict the activities of the main enterprises in the hospitality industry.

- Be able to plan and monitor the implementation of the project, ensure coordination with all functional divisions of the tourism industry enterprises, use the business model of e-commerce in the field of tourism and hospitality

- Be able to ensure safety in the design of a tour and tourist services, predict and make competent decisions in normal conditions and in emergency situations to protect tourists, apply modern security measures, create a comfortable (normative) state of the tourist environment, identify the negative impacts of travel

- To be able to distinguish between the terms and concepts of the hospitality industry, the rights and obligations of waiters, cooks in accordance with their categories, identify the class of the enterprise based on the material and technical base, the volume and level of services provided, draw up schemes for organizing technological processes in the shops, identify the range of tableware, appliances.

- To be able to assess the real situation of a restaurant enterprise in market conditions and the prospects for their functioning. To be able to assess the external and internal factors of the hotel industry

- To be able to analyze the functional organization of various services of a restaurant enterprise, assess the external and internal factors of the development of the restaurant industry.

- Be able to apply theoretical knowledge in practice on the application of trends in the development of the domestic hospitality industry in practice.

- Be able to apply the laws of doing business in the global restaurant industry, the experience of the global restaurant industry in practical activities.

- Be able to recognize the range of food products by their external distinctive features; determine the quality of raw materials and finished products; to carry out the interchangeability of food products.

- Be able to use fundamental scientific knowledge in the field of high-tech industries, innovative technologies for the production of public catering products.

- To be able to use the knowledge gained in practical activities, compose various types of menus, assess the influence of various factors on the course and results of the technological process, make optimal decisions in the production process, monitor the quality of raw materials, semi-finished products and finished products.

Know and understand:

- Know the main types of hazards and risks arising in tourism activities, ways to ensure safety during tourist trips, international programs and international experience in the development of tourism safety measures, the legal framework and regulatory documents for regulating safety in tourism, rules for organizing the process of serving consumers of tourism services .

- To know the theoretical foundations of the design, organization and implementation of strategies and programs for different types of tourism products that meet the needs of consumers, the regulatory and technical base of tourism and recreation design, e-commerce business processes.

- To know the properties and prospects for the development of tourism and hospitality, the main economic indicators of tourism and hotel activities, the algorithm of interaction between firms and their choice of competitive strategies, criteria for evaluating the effectiveness of tourism and hospitality, the peculiarities of the development of the market for tourism and hotel services in the Republic of Kazakhstan

- To know the economic and methodological foundations of planning the activities of tourism enterprises, the system of planning standards and indicators, types of planning, the process of economic evaluation of plans, the organizational foundations of tourism activities, especially legal and economic relations between participants in tourism activities.

- To know the basic concepts and definition of the hospitality industry as a field of activity, the historical development of the hospitality industry, the organizational structures of catering establishments, the classification of catering establishments, the production and trade structure of catering establishments, the requirements for manufacturing workshops, the purpose and location of manufacturing workshops

- To know the current state and development prospects of the restaurant market, the specifics of the market conditions for catering services at the international level, modern problems of the hospitality industry, development trends of the hospitality industry in Kazakhstan

- Know about the basic concepts of the sphere of the restaurant industry, the organizational structure of catering enterprises, the main technological processes of the catering enterprise, the structure of buildings and the main functions of restaurant services, the engineering and technical equipment of restaurants, the space-planning solutions of restaurants, the life support system of restaurants, the material and technical base service.

- To know the structure of production of catering enterprises, the business style of enterprises in the hospitality industry, to master the scientific foundations of the strategy of the enterprise's behavior in the consumer market of goods and services.

- To know modern theories and concepts in the field of production of public catering products, the methodology for mastering new technological methods and means in the production of public catering products.

Be competent in matters of:

- in professional matters in this specialty;

- organizational foundations of tourism activities

- features and prospects of tourism development

- the main types of hazards and risks arising in tourism activities

- tourism infrastructure

- criteria for evaluating the effectiveness of tourism

- strategic analysis in tourism

- requirements of the tourism industry

- in professional matters in this specialty

- the structure of production of catering enterprises

- sphere of restaurant industry

- development of the restaurant market

- peculiarities of the state of affairs on the food service market at the international level

- hospitality industry

- areas of activity

- production workshops

- types of menu

- assortment of food products by external distinctive features.

Certificate of specialized accreditation