

Position Head of the Department

Academic degree Candidate of Law, Associate Professor

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About the department


The Department of Public and Administrative Law trains highly qualified legal specialists in the field of public service according to the educational program 6B04212 –«Public service and administrative law» in the direction 6B042 – «Law».

The mission is to form the human resources potential of competitive and in-demand specialists in the national and international labor markets of the modern legal field, to achieve qualitatively new scientific and practical results in education and the formation of scientific, intellectual, information and cultural environment of society.

The purpose of the department is to become the locomotive of progressive economic, social and legal changes in society; to form human resources for the domestic and Eurasian labor markets in accordance with their requests and prospects for the development of the country and the region; to promote the introduction of innovative technologies in all spheres of the country's life through the commercialization of the results of scientific research by University scientists; to promote the development of education of the nation, its intellectual, cultural, moral provision of capacity building.

To achieve this mission and the result of the goal, the following tasks must be implemented:

- leadership in the training of highly qualified specialists at the undergraduate level;

- implementation of the trilingual education system;

- continuous achievements of students in science and education, sports and education;

- the vision of the university as a center of comprehensive partnership with leading private and national universities, institutions and organizations, effective interaction and communication of social institutions of society;

- formation of a competitive educational program base;

- intensive use of innovative and pedagogical education technologies;

- development of new scientific directions in priority sectors of the economy;

- creating conditions for the university's active participation in national and world rankings.

transformation into a national-level research university;

- training graduates with high personal and professional qualities that meet the requirements of the labor market.

the introduction of innovative educational programs demanded by the country's economy and political and legal;

- attracting an international contingent, creating academic mobility programs for students, teachers and staff, promoting world standards for international recognition of diplomas;

- updating the university's infrastructure for advanced research and active involvement of young people in scientific, educational and innovative activities.

Educational program

Undergraduate Programs

  • 6В04212 - Law
  • 5В030200 – International law
  • 5В030100 – Jurisprudence
The professor-teaching staff
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Бекенова Анар Берденовна

Position: Head of the Department

Academic degree: Candidate of Law, Associate Professor

E-mail: ab.bekenova@dulaty.kz

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Abayeva Zhanna Merekeevna

Position: Associate Professor

Academic degree: Candidate of Law, Judge of the Zhambyl Regional Court

E-mail: zhm.abaeva@dulaty.kz

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Aydapkelov Zhanbolat Sergalievich

Position: Associate Professor

Academic degree: Candidate of Law, Prosecutor of the Zhambyl Regional Prosecutor's Office

E-mail: zhs.ajdapkelov@dulaty.kz

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Sarymbetov Yerlan Askarovich

Position: Senior Lecturer

Academic degree: Master of Law

E-mail: ea.sarymbetov@dulaty.kz

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Нарымбаева Айнур Джахияевна

Position: Senior Lecturer

Academic degree: Master of Law

E-mail: ad.narymbayeva@dulaty.kz

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Suymenbayeva Akmaral Mukatayeva

Position: Senior Lecturer

Academic degree: Master of Law

E-mail: am.sujmenbayeva@dulaty.kz

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Kurmanbayeva Damira Parmenkyzy

Position: Senior Lecturer

Academic degree: Master of Law

E-mail: dp.kurmanbaeva@dulaty.kz

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Zhumagaliyev Galym Dosymbekovich

Position: Senior Lecturer

Academic degree: Master of Law

E-mail: gd.bidajshiev@dulaty.kz

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Ausagatova Galiya Kabylbekovna

Position: Senior Lecturer

E-mail: gk.ausagatova@dulaty.kz

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Kopbasarova Feruza Zakirovna

Position: Senior Lecturer

Academic degree: Master of Law

E-mail: fz.kopbasarova@dulaty.kz

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Kadyrkulov Askar Zhaksylykovich

Position: Senior Lecturer

Academic degree: Master of Law

E-mail: azh.kadyrkulov@dulaty.kz

Akzaru Espanova

Position: Senior Lecturer

Academic degree: Master of EMF

E-mail: as.espanova@dulaty.kz

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Nurtai Madina Nurtayevna

Position: Senior Lecturer

Academic degree: Master of Law

E-mail: mn.nurtaj@dulaty.kz

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Abdualieva Asem Bakhtiyarkyzy

Position: Senior Lecturer

Academic degree: Master of Law

E-mail: aa.abdualieva1@dulaty.kz

Telesbaev Khalmakhambet Mashirkhanovich

Position: Senior Lecturer

E-mail: khm.telesbaev@dulaty.kz

  1. Department of the Civil Service Agency for Zhambyl region
  2. Zhambyl Region Police Department;
  3. Administrator of courts in Zhambyl region;
  4. Regional Chamber of Private Bailiffs of Zhambyl region;
  5. Department of Justice of Zhambyl region;
  6. Chamber of Legal Consultants of Zhambyl region.
Graduate model
  1. Components of the formation of the graduate model of the educational program


The key components of the formation of the graduate Model of the educational program include information about the goals and objectives of the educational program, the field, objects, types of professional activities, the list of professions that a graduate can perform after completing training under the educational program, general and professional competencies in accordance with the educational program.


1.1 Goals and objectives of the educational program


The purpose of the educational program «Civil service and administrative law» in the field of training 6B04212 – “Law»: training highly qualified, competitive personnel in the field of law with knowledge of the content of sectoral and general legal sciences, as well as knowledge of ways to clarify and interpret legal norms, their implementation, procedures for making and executing legal decisions, acts of committing actions, having legal significance.

1.2 The field of professional activity of the graduate


Bachelor of the group 6B042 – “Law” according to the educational program 6B04212 – «Civil service and administrative law» carries out his professional activities in the legal and law enforcement spheres.

1.3 Objects of professional activity of the graduate


The objects of professional activity of the Bachelor of 6B042 - Law under the educational program 6B04212- «Public service and administrative law» are: state institutions, organizations of legal assistance to the population, organizations, institutions and enterprises, regardless of ownership and departmental subordination; organizations of law enforcement and legal services.

1.4 Types of professional activity of the graduate


Graduates of OP 6B04212 – «Civil Service and administrative law» occupy the following niches in the economy of the Republic of Kazakhstan, according to the GCED of the SC of the RK:

84.23.0 Activities in the field of justice and justice;

69.10.1 Activities of bar associations and legal consultations (including private practicing lawyers);

84.24.0 Public order and security activities;

80.30.0 Investigative activities;

69.10.9 Other legal activities.


1.5 The list of professions that a graduate can perform after completing the ЕP

According to the National Classifier of occupations of the Republic of Kazakhstan 01-2017, the following group of professions was selected:

2611-1-002 Legal Adviser

2611-1-003 Lawyer

2611-2-002 Legal

Adviser 2612-0-003 Secretary of the Judicial Board

2612-0-004 Judge

4415-0-003 Secretary of the court session

4415-0-004 Judicial Secretary

4415-0-005 Legal Secretary

5412-0-001 Patrol Inspector

According to the sectoral qualifications framework of the internal affairs bodies of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated June 19, 2016 No. 7-2-30/797-in/out.:

- employees of the local police service (units of district police inspectors, juvenile affairs, protection of women from violence, highway patrol police, environmental police, distribution receivers and special receivers).

According to the order of the Chairman of the Agency of the Republic of Kazakhstan for Civil Service Affairs and Anti-Corruption dated October 13, 2016 No. 6:

- employees of the National Anti-Corruption Bureau. 


Certificate of specialized accreditation