Position Head of the department, associate professor
Academic degree PhD in Engineering
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In 2021, in accordance with the university's structural optimization policy, it was reorganized into the Department of Oil, Gas and Mining.
The foundation of these specialties dates back to 1964 in the Karatau branch of the Kazakh Polytechnic Institute named after V.I. Lenin in Almaty. In order to develop the industrial complex of Karatau, at this time specialties related to the development of the mining industry were opened for the first time, among them such specialties as “Development of underground mineral resources.”
After the collapse of the Soviet Union in 1991, the southern regions of the country began to experience a shortage of natural gas. The reason is that the contracts were revised and the Uzbek side began to make new demands. The price of natural gas has increased, and its shortage occurred in the winter. At the moment, the main issue of the day was the use of the Amangel gas condensate field in the Zhambyl region; for this purpose, re-exploration of the Amangel gas field was undertaken. Based on the results of geological exploration, it was established that natural gas reserves in the field amount to 20-25 billion cubic meters of gas, and they were sufficient to supply the residents of the Zhambyl region with natural gas for 30 years. 40 years.
At this moment, the question arose about providing the Amangel gas condensate field with qualified specialists. For the first time this issue was raised by the Karatau branch of the Kazakh National Technical University named after K.I. Satpayeva. In this regard, there was a need to train specialists in this field from the youth of the southern region. Therefore, on the recommendations of the leadership of the city and region at that time, a request was made to the Ministry of Science and Technology of the Republic of Kazakhstan to open the specialties “Development of oil and gas fields”, “Machinery and equipment for oil and gas production”. oil and gas industry" in the branch of KazNTU in Karatau in the field of oil and gas. As a result, in 1996, the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan issued a license for training in these specialties at the Karatau branch of KazNTU. During this very important period, the first applicants were accepted in the 1997-1998 academic year thanks to the high organizational skills of the then director of the branch, Honored Worker of the Republic of Kazakhstan, Professor Murat Ataibekuly Nurlybayev. In accordance with the policy of reforming higher educational institutions of those years, the Karatau branch became part of Taraz State University, and in 1998 these specialties were transferred to the Faculty of Mechanics of Taraz State University. Today there are 5 “best university teachers” working at the department.
Graduates of the Department of Oil, Gas and Mining successfully work in the oil, gas and mining industries of the country. In the country this is the company Karashyganak Petroleum Operating B.V. company; Amangeldi Gas LLP; Directorate of Trunk Gas Pipelines "Taraz" of Intergas Central Asia JSC; Zhambyl production branch of KazTransGasArea JSC; Taraz branch of Amangel Gas Processing Plant LLP; Taraz Gas Transportation Department of Asian Gas Pipeline LLP; Neftehimpribor LLP; Kazphosphate LLP; KnaufGipsTaraz LLP; Works in the companies of JSC Altynalmas.
Among the proud graduates of the department is Ismailoa S.S. Head of the Shymkent Main Gas Pipeline Department of Intergas Central Asia JSC; Bakbergenov A. Deputy Director for Production, Amangeldi Gas LLP; Sapaev Zh. Head of the Geology Department of Amangeldi Gas LLP; Okshiev A. Tengiz Chevre Oil LLP has a consultant to the general director for major equipment repairs and many other specialists in this field.
The development and use of subsoil is the main field of activity related to human life. It covers all types of human impact on the earth’s crust, primarily the development of mineral resources, their primary processing, as well as scientific research related to mining technologies.
The purpose of the educational programs of the department “Oil and Gas and Mining” is to ensure the training of qualified bachelors and bachelors in the field of oil and gas and mining in accordance with the needs of developing industrial enterprises of the Zhambyl region and the Southern region. regions of the country.
In addition, training of qualified masters in educational programs “7M07203-Oil and Gas Engineering” 7M07205- “Mining Engineering” under the Schlumberger Eclipse program and membership in the international organization of oil and gas engineers (Society of Petroleum Engineers).
Bachelor's educational programs
6В07216- «Oil and gas engineering»
6В07217- «Oil and gas transportation»
6В07221- «Mining engineering»
6В07223- «Oil and gas refining»
Master's educational programs
7М07203 - «Petroleum engineering»
7М07205- «Mining engineering»

Position: head of the department, Associate professor
Academic degree: PhD in Engineering

Position: acting associate professor
Academic degree: PhD Doctor

Position: professor
Academic degree: doctor of technical sciences

Position: professor
Academic degree: doctor of technical sciences

Position: senior lecturer
Academic degree: PhD Doctor

Position: acting associate professor
Academic degree: PhD in Engineering

Position: senior lecturer
Academic degree: master

Position: senior lecturer
Academic degree: master

Position: senior lecturer
Academic degree: master

Position: senior lecturer
Academic degree: master

Position: senior lecturer
Academic degree: master

Position: senior lecturer
Academic degree: master

Position: senior lecturer
Academic degree: master

Position: senior lecturer
Academic degree: master

Position: head of the laboratory
To ensure the passage of professional practice of students enrolled in educational programs at the Department of Oil and Gas and Mining, contracts have been concluded with the following organizations:
- -«Karachaganak Petroleum Operating B. V.» Company
- -«Amangeldy Gas» LLP
- -JSC «Intergas Central Asia»Taraz Gas Trunk Pipeline Management
- -JSC «KazTransGazAimak» of Zhambyl production branch
- -«Amangeldinsky Gas Processing Plant» LLP
- -«Asian Gas Pipeline» LLP Taraz Gas Transportation Department
- -«Neftekhimpribor» LLP
- -«Kazphosphate» LLP
- -«KnaufGipsTaraz» LLP
- -JSC «Altynalmas»
Graduates of this educational program can work in the oil and gas industry in the following areas:
- oil, gas and condensate production
- preparation and stabilization of oil and gas
- well survey
- preparation and transportation of oil and gas
- well workover
- testing (testing) of wells
Graduates of this educational program can work in the oil and gas industry in the following areas:
- main pipelines
- transportation of oil and gas
- oil(gas) pumping stations
- operation of main pipelines
- preparation for oil and gas transportation
Graduates of this educational program can work in the mining industry in the following areas
- coal enrichment
- open-pit coal mining
- mining of lignite (brown coal) by open method
- enrichment of lignite (brown coal)
- open-pit mining of iron ores
- mining of uranium and thorium ores
- extraction and enrichment of aluminum-containing raw materials;
- mining and processing of copper ore;
- mining and processing of lead-zinc ore;
- mining and processing of nickel-cobalt ores;
- extraction and enrichment of titanium-magnesium raw materials (ores);
- mining and processing of tin ore;
- extraction and enrichment of antimony-mercury ores;
- extraction of precious metals and rare metal ores;
- extraction of other non-ferrous metal ores;
- extraction of finishing and building stone, limestone, gypsum, chalk and shale;
- extraction of mineral raw materials for the chemical industry and fertilizer production.
Graduates of this educational program can work in the oil and gas industry in the following areas
- petrochemical engineer
- chemical engineer (oil and gas)
- process plant engineer
- long-term maintenance planning engineer
- process engineer
- laboratory engineer
- tank engineer
- quality engineer
- coordinator of the overhaul of technological installations
Graduates of this educational program can work in the oil and gas industry in the following areas:
- oil, gas and condensate production
- preparation and stabilization of oil and gas
- well survey
- preparation and transportation of oil and gas
- well workover
- testing (testing) of wells
- in research centers
- teaching at the university