
Smanova Alua

Position Head of the Department, associate professor

Academic degree doctor PhD

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In September 2019, as a result of the merger of the departments «Pedagogy and methods of primary education» and «Preschool education and upbringing», the department «Preschool and primary education» was formed.

Mission: Formation of competitive specialists in the field of primary and preschool education on the basis of advanced innovative and pedagogical teaching technologies and integration of the best international experience and achievements in the field of teacher education.

The purpose of the educational programs of the department «Preschool and primary education»:

  • Training of highly qualified, competitive primary school teachers with high social and civic responsibility, capable of carrying out professional activities in accordance with the updated content of education and the demands of the labor market.
  • Training of highly qualified competitive specialists in preschool education and upbringing who meet the needs of the labor market, capable of carrying out professional activities in the context of a competence-based approach, humanization and modernization of preschool education.

6В01201 – Training of specialists in preschool education and upbringing

Training of competitive specialists of preschool education and upbringing who meet the needs of the labor market, possess communication skills, leadership qualities, professional competencies and, on their basis, are able to carry out the activities of a teacher in the conditions of a competence-based approach, humanization and modernization of preschool education.

6В01301 – Pedagogy and methods of primary education

Training of a highly qualified competitive specialist with general cultural and professional competencies, who is able to carry out professional activities based on personality-oriented and activity-based approaches, using innovative pedagogical technologies in accordance with the updated content of education, taking into account the needs of society and the labor market.

Educational program

From the 2019-2020 academic year, the Department of Preschool and Primary Education prepares bachelors in two educational programs:

Bachelor courses

  • 6В01301 – Pedagogy and methods of primary education
  • 6В01201 – Training of specialists in preschool education and upbringing
The professor-teaching staff
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Smanova Alua

Position: Head of the Department, associate professor

Academic degree: doctor PhD

E-mail: a.smanova@dulaty.kz

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Kenzhebaeva Alima Toleuovna

Position: associate professor

Academic degree: Candidate of pedagogical Sciences

E-mail: at.kenzhebaeva@dulaty.kz

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Turarova Aisulu Nurdynovna

Position: associate professor

Academic degree: Candidate of pedagogical Sciences

E-mail: an.turarova@dulaty.kz

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Sagymbekova Pernayim Sagymbekovna

Position: professor

Academic degree: Candidate of pedagogical Sciences

E-mail: p.sagymbekova@dulaty.kz

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Sarybekova Karlygash Nurgalievna

Position: associate professor

Academic degree: candidate of pedagogical sciences

E-mail: kn.sarybekova@dulaty.kz

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Kashkynbaeva Zagira Kozhabergenovna

Position: acting associate professor

Academic degree: candidate of pedagogical sciences

E-mail: zk.kashkynbaeva@dulaty.kz

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Salimbaeva Sholpan Ongarbaevna

Position: associate professor

Academic degree: candidate of pedagogical sciences

E-mail: sho.salimbaeva@dulaty.kz

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Esenova Narima Boribaevna

Position: acting associate professor

Academic degree: candidate of philosophical sciences

E-mail: nb.esenova@dulaty.kz

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Kozhabergenova Gaukhar Esenbaevna

Position: senior lecturer

Academic degree: Doctor Phd

E-mail: ge.kozhabergenova@dulaty.kz

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Kasymov Murat Rakhymbekovich

Position: senior lecturer

Academic degree: master

E-mail: mr.kasymov@dulaty.kz

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Abdrakova Aida Beketovna

Position: senior lecturer

Academic degree: master

E-mail: ab.abdrakova@dulaty.kz

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Abdrasilova Gulsim Lesbekovna

Position: senior lecturer

Academic degree: master

E-mail: gl.abdrasilova@dulaty.kz

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Nurpeisov Mukhametzhan Kenzhetayevich

Position: senior lecturer

Academic degree: master

E-mail: mk.nurpeisov@dulaty.kz

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Abzhaparova Meruert Tilegenovna

Position: senior lecturer

Academic degree: master

E-mail: mt.abzhaparova@dulaty.kz

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Zaurbekova Aigul Myrzabaevna

Position: senior lecturer

Academic degree: master

E-mail: am.zaurbekova@dulaty.kz

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Shynieva Roza Turebekovna

Position: senior lecturer

Academic degree: master

E-mail: rt.shynieva@dulaty.kz

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Ospanbaeva Aiman Rakhmetillaevna

Position: senior lecturer

Academic degree: master

E-mail: ar.ospanbaeva@dulaty.kz

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Spanalieva Gulnur Tursimbetovna

Position: senior lecturer

Academic degree: master

E-mail: gt.spanalieva@dulaty.kz

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Alyeva Peryzat Serykovna

Position: senior lecturer

Academic degree: master of pedagoge

E-mail: ps.alieva@dulaty.kz

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Surabaldiyeva Bakhyt Tursynovna

Position: senior lecturer

Academic degree: master of pedagoge

E-mail: bt.surabaldieva@dulaty.kz

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Kadyrova Aigul Erkynovna

Position: teacher

Academic degree: master of pedagoge

E-mail: ae.kadyrova@dulaty.kz

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Shyntaeva Nuraina Ansarykyzy

Position: teacher

Academic degree: master

E-mail: na.shyntaeva@dulaty.kz

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Minaidarova Marina Iztaevna

Position: teacher

Academic degree: master

E-mail: mi.minajdarova@dulaty.kz

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Aralbaeva Aizat Kanikyzy

Position: teacher

Academic degree: master

E-mail: ag.aralbaeva@dulaty.kz

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Zhumadilova Aliya Smailovna

Position: senior lecturer

Academic degree: master

E-mail: as.zhumadilova@dulaty.kz

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Iskakova Darina Arkabaevna

Position: senior lecturer

E-mail: da.iskakova@dulaty.kz

  • To ensure the passage of professional practice for students enrolled in two educational programs at the Department of Preschool and Primary Education, contracts have been concluded with the following organizations:
  • Multidisciplinary gymnasium 41 named after A.S. Pushkin
  • School-gymnasium named after N. Kiikbayev, Baizak district Zhambyl region
  • School-gymnasium № 5 named after  Zhambyla
  • School-gymnasium № 7
  • School-gymnasium № 40
  • Secondary school № 44 named after Sh.Smakhanuly
  • State utility company
  • Nursery-kindergarden № 35 «Ertustik» of the Education Department of the Akimat of  Taraz
  • State utility company
  • Nursery-kindergarden № 7 of the education department of  the Akimat of  Taraz
  • State utility company
  • Nursery-kindergarten№ 33 of the education department of  the Akimat of  Taraz
  • State utility company
  • Nursery-kindergarten № 20 of the education department of  the Akimat of  Taraz
  • State utility company
  • Nursery-kindergarten № 16 of the education department of  the Akimat of  Taraz
Graduate model

 6В01301 – «Pedagogy and methods of primary education»

Bachelors in EP 6B01301 – «Pedagogy and methodology of primary education» can occupy primary positions of a primary school teacher, methodologist without presenting requirements for work experience in accordance with the qualification requirements of the Qualification handbook of positions of managers, specialists and other employees, approved by order of the Minister of Labor and Social Protection of the Population  Of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated May 21, 2012 № 201.

6B01201 – «Training of specialists in preschool education and upbringing»

 The list of positions of a specialist in the educational program:

  • educator in a preschool organization
  • teacher of the pedagogical college
  • specialist of the Department of  Education
  • specialist in preschool education at the institutes of advanced training of teaching staff

 Objects of professional activity:

  • education departments
  • preschool organizations
  • mini-centers
  • teacher training colleges
  • departments of education management
  • educational centers
  • centers for advanced training and retraining of education system personnel
Certificate of specialized accreditation