Position Head of department
Academic degree Master of pedagogy and psychology
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Formation of a healthy lifestyle, strengthening the health of students, formation of a competent specialist of a citizen-person, future parents. In the process of physical culture classes,educational, educational and health-improving goals are considered: the formation of a correct attitude to physical culture,the education of students in vigorous physical exercises and sports Hobbies in daily classes. Improving the physical education of students, improving the level of strength training, training in the organization of independent sports leisure, preparing for the presidential test, developing the strength qualities of students, improving the sports skills of athletes-students, teaching methods of physical culture and sports in the formation of a healthy lifestyle and proper use in everyday life.culture»
6В01405 - Training of a teacher of initial military training

Position: Head of department
Academic degree: Master of pedagogy and psychology
E-mail: zho.beknazarov@dulaty.kz

Position: Senior Lecturer
Academic degree: MS RK in athletics, first category judge in athletics
E-mail: mm.nurlanov@dulaty.kz

Position: Senior Lecturer
Academic degree: master of pedagogy, judge of the first category in togyzkumalak
E-mail: dk.kamysbaeva@dulaty.kz

Position: Senior Lecturer
Academic degree: Master in Pedagogy and Psychology
E-mail: zhe.bekbergenova@dulaty.kz

Position: Teacher
Academic degree: Master of Pedagogy and Psychology
E-mail: ra.kozhamkulov@dulaty.kz

Position: Teacher
Academic degree: Master of Pedagogy and Psychology
E-mail: op.sulejmanov@dulaty.kz

Position: Teacher
Academic degree: Master of Pedagogy and Psychology
E-mail: ba.turganov@dulaty.kz

Position: Teacher
Academic degree: Master of Pedagogy and Psychology
E-mail: mm.nurlanov@dulaty.kz

Position: Teacher
Academic degree: Master of Pedagogy and Psychology
E-mail: Rt.Alimbekov@dulaty.kz

Position: Teacher
Academic degree: Master of Pedagogy and Psychology
E-mail: Ns.sait@dulaty.kz

Position: Teacher
Academic degree: Master of Pedagogy and Psychology
E-mail: Bm.almeshev@dulaty.kz

Upon completion, the graduate is prepared to solve the following problems:
- Providing an understanding of the role of physical education in the development of personality and preparing it for professional activity.
- Formation of a motivational and value-based attitude towards physical culture, an attitude toward a healthy lifestyle, and the need for regular physical exercise.
- Mastery of a system of special knowledge, practical skills and abilities that ensure the preservation and strengthening of health, the formation of compensatory processes, the correction of existing deviations in health, mental well-being, the development and improvement of psychophysical abilities, the formation of professionally significant qualities and personality traits.
- Adaptation of the body to the effects of mental and physical stress, as well as expanding the functionality of physiological systems, increasing the resistance of the body's defenses.
- Mastering the methodology of forming and performing a set of health-related exercises for independent exercise, methods of self-control when performing physical activities of various types, rules of personal hygiene, rational work and rest regime.
- Mastering the means and methods of countering unfavorable factors and working conditions, reducing fatigue in the process of professional activity and improving the quality of results.