Head of the Department

Контакный телефон: 87775631231

E-mail: zht.tanayev@dulaty.kz

Адрес: Suleimenov 7, cabinet405

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Казахбаева Динара Манатовна
Казахбаева Динара Манатовна

Должность: Chief Specialist

E-mail: dm.kazakhbayeva@dulaty.kz

Activity direction

The Commercialization Department is a structural unit of the University, created in accordance with the Decision of the Board of Directors of the University dated November 25, 2021. The Commercialization Department was established to support the process of commercialization of research and development results of Dulaty University and its organizations by providing consulting and organizational support to the faculty, scientists and staff of Taraz Regional University named after M. Kh. Dulaty.

In its activities, the Commercialization Division is guided by:

  • Laws of the Republic of Kazakhstan;
  • normative acts of the Ministry of Science and Higher Education of the Republic of Kazakhstan; 
  • Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan "On Science"
  • Law of RK "On commercialization of evaluation of results of scientific and (or) scientific-technical activity"
  • Law of RK "On commercialization of evaluation of results of scientific and (or) scientific-technical activity";
  • The Law of RK "On Language";
  • Labor Code of the RK;
  • Civil Code of the RK;
  • Charter of Taraz Regional University named after M. Kh. Dulaty;
  • Rector's orders.

The main tasks of the Commercialization Department are as follows

The purpose of the Commercialization Department is: commercialization of the results of scientific, scientific-technical activity of scientists and search, promotion of competitive commercially promising scientific developments of Dulaty University to the market. 

The main tasks of the Commercialization Department:

  • promotion of practical application of commercialization of the results of scientific and scientific-technical activity (RSSTA) by increasing the efficiency of scientific and innovation activity of Taraz Regional University named after M. Kh. Dulaty;
  • creation of "Innovative eco-system of Dulaty University", opening and supporting the activities of co-working center, business incubator, business accelerator of Taraz Regional University named after M. Kh. Dulaty;
  • search and evaluation of technologies for commercialization of RSSTA of research and educational units of Taraz Regional University named after M. Kh. Dulaty;
  • providing consulting services in the field of marketing research on specific RSSTA objects;
  • attracting business representatives to conclude contracts in the field of technology commercialization, attracting investments, search and evaluation of RSSTA for commercialization;
  • providing methodological support to scientists in the field of RSSTA commercialization;
  • development of a strategy for commercialization of RSSTA of Taraz Regional University named after M. Kh. Dulaty;
  • popularization of the idea of RSSTA commercialization at the university and information activities in the region;
  • building a database of innovative projects and startup projects, assessing their commercialization potential and promoting them on the market;
  • execution, maintenance, monitoring of commercialization projects in accordance with the current requirements of operators and administrators funding the projects;
  • selection, support and monitoring of projects for commercialization, as well as preparation and support of commercialization projects related to the creation of startup companies;
  • conclusion of research and development (R&D) contracts;
  • mentoring and expertise of startup projects.
Department news