Under agreements with foreign universities, Taraz Regional University named after M. Kh. Dulaty  teaches students under the program of double-degree education in the following universities:

- Moscow State University of Food Industry (Russia)

- Lublin Polytechnic University (Poland)

- Polytechnic Institute of Braganza (Portugal)

- Altai State University (Russian Federation).

Moscow State University of Food Production (Russia)

Joint educational programs:

- Biotechnology

- Technology of processing industries

- Technology of food industries

In 2019-2020, 9 students were enrolled in joint programs, of which 4 Biotechnology students successfully completed their studies and received two diplomas:

  1. Meirambai Diana Ulankyzy
  2. Saparalieva Nuriya Duyshenbekovna
  3. Konyrova Dariga Garifullakyzy
  4. Akyn Gulasem Makhablkyzy

The following students will continue their studies in 2020-2021:

  1. Kyzyralieva Merei Maksatkyzy
  2. Veiberov Anatoly Pavlovich
  3. Kuzmina Katerina Pavlovna
  4. Malikov Anuar Berikboluly
  5. Abdurashyt Aigerim Bakhitbekkyzy

Lublin Polytechnic University (Poland)

Joint educational programs:

- Automation and control

- Mechatronics

In May 2013, there was concluded a memorandum of bilateral cooperation between our university and Lublin Polytechnic University (Poland).

There was also concluded "Supplementary Agreement" between both universities, providing training of students and undergraduates in joint educational programs.

Stages and duration of training for the master's degree are determined according to the schedules of the educational process of the partner universities and jointly developed working curricula for the specialties "Automated Communications Management Systems" of Lublin Polytechnic University (Poland), as well as "Radio Engineering, Electronics and Telecommunications", "Fiber Optic Communications Systems" of Dulati University.

In accordance with this agreement, a master's student of "Automation and Control" E.Turgynbekov in the 2015-2016 academic year took and completed the joint program and received a master's degree in electrical engineering with a specialization in "Intelligent Technologies in Electrical Engineering" (Poland). During the implementation of the joint educational program, the master's student in the first year of study mastered 30 Kazakh credits, and during his studies in Poland he mastered 62 ECTS credits, including the defense of the master's thesis.

During the visit of the university chancellor Professor M.N. Sarybekov to Lublin in 2018, an additional agreement was signed on joint educational programs for undergraduate programs, which allowed the first students to enter in 2019. The following students are currently enrolled at Lublin Polytechnic University:

  1. Adele Krahmalyova
  2. Seilbek Aktolkyn
  3. Amalbek Altair, these three students will receive two diplomas in 2021.

Polytechnic Institute of Braganza (Portugal)

Joint educational programs:

- Chemical Engineering

- Information Systems

From July 18 to 22, 2017, Professor Gomesh Elder gave lectures and seminars at the university as part of the Erasmus+ program. As a result of his visit, an agreement was signed on the implementation of a joint educational master's degree program in chemical engineering. The working group of the university (consisting of Abdikarimova Z.T., Malibekov A.K., Faizova E.R., Masalimova B.K., Tsoy I.G., Chernyavskaya N.P.) agreed and signed the following documents regulating the learning process under the double diploma programs:

  1. Joint Educational Master's Degree Program "Chemical Engineering
  2. Syllabus of the Joint Master's Degree Program "Chemical Engineering"
  3. Rules of education in the Joint Master's Degree Program "Chemical Engineering"

Each year two master's students from the university will be able to be enrolled in a joint master's program. According to the rules of Erasmus Plus and the dual-degree project, the university must send master's students who have completed the first academic year of the master's program. Our master's students will study for one year at Bragansa and write their thesis there. Each master's student is expected to be assigned supervisors from Bragansa and from Dulati University. At the end of the joint degree program, students will receive two diplomas, one from Bragansa University and one from Dulati University. Dual qualifications will be awarded for this type of joint program. The tuition for the students will be free, with a scholarship.

As part of the implementation of the MES RK program "Attracting foreign specialists in the top management of higher education institutions of the Republic of Kazakhstan for 2017" from October to December 2017, Professor Dr. Albano Alvesh was invited to Taraz Regional University named after M.H. Dulaty.  He held the position of Vice Chancellor for Innovation and Information Technology. Albano Alvesh worked together with a specially formed working group consisting of vice-rectors and heads of departments of the university. As a result of the visit an agreement was signed on implementation of a joint educational master's program in information systems specialization.

At the present time the master's student Popov N. is studying in the program "Chemical Engineering".

Altai State University (The RF)

Agreement between Taraz Regional University named after M.Kh. Dulaty and Altai State University on the implementation of master's programs within the framework of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization University was concluded on February 09, 2015. The main purpose of this agreement is to train masters in the areas of Ecology, Geoecology and Environmental Management. In 2016 the university was allocated one place to study for one academic year on a joint educational program. Department of "Ecology" selected the candidacy of a second-year master's student Tulepova Raikhan, who upon completion of training received a diploma of Taraz Regional University named after M.Kh.Dulaty  and Altai State University.

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