Head of the center for innovation and entrepreneurship
Candidate of Economic Sciences, Acting docent
The mission of the Center is to promote and support entrepreneurship using modern methods and tools.
The vision of the Center is to become a regional leader in training professionals with knowledge and entrepreneurial skills that contribute to economic development and prosperity.
- university traditions based on the cult of creation, preservation and dissemination of knowledge;
- professionalism;
- advanced teaching methods and tools.
Strategic directions of the Center:
- Leadership in entrepreneurial education - innovation and quality of learning and consulting processes to build entrepreneurial skills.
- Leadership in the diffusion of innovations - a breadth of activities of the highest quality in the field of entrepreneurship education, accumulation and dissemination of innovations, including through the transfer of scientific and technological knowledge and the promotion of innovative ideas and products.
Center goals:
- Strengthening students' innovative and entrepreneurial skills, developing curricula on entrepreneurship and innovation systems, as well as conducting trainings / seminars and business consultations for students, teachers and all start-up entrepreneurs;
- introduction of a methodology for assessing innovative competencies of novice entrepreneurs to assess the possibility of running their own business and putting forward new business ideas;
- creation and development of the institute of mentoring;
- increasing the culture of innovation in the region and in the country;
- consolidation of efforts of the Center with all regional structures involved in the training of innovative entrepreneurs and the business community;
- application and dissemination of innovative methods of pedagogy;
- participation in joint international programs and projects that contribute to strengthening the business education of teachers and students through interaction with national and international organizations, funds and programs;
- scientific and methodological support and information support of the innovative potential of the university.

Position: Specialist of the center for innovation and entrepreneurship
Master in pedagogical sciences in «Kazakh language and literature»
4. Enhancing innovation competences and entrepreneurial skills in engineering education
5. InnoCENS List of work packages
6. InnoCENS strategy plan on quality control, dissemination and sustainability
7. Logical framework matrix – LFM
9. Innovation System Syllabus descriptions
10. Syllabus Entrepreneurship for engineers