Bekenova Anar Berdenovna

Position: Head of the department, Associate Professor

Academic degree: Candidate of Law

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The purpose of the educational program "Civil service and administrative law" in the direction of training-6B04212 "Law": training of highly qualified personnel in the field of law; formation of fundamental knowledge necessary for mastering professional disciplines; formation of theoretical and practical knowledge, skills and abilities necessary for their implementation in professional activities; formation of universal and socio-personal values of the graduate. The mission of the Department of State and administrative law is to train highly qualified specialists, which meets the needs of potential consumers and is carried out in accordance with the profile and mission of the University.

Educational programs

Undergraduate Programs

  • 6В04212 - Law
  • 5В030200 – International law
  • 5В030100 – Jurisprudence
The staff of the department
Bekenova Anar Berdenovna

Position: Head of the department, Associate Professor

Academic degree: Candidate of Law

E-mail: Этот адрес электронной почты защищён от спам-ботов. У вас должен быть включен JavaScript для просмотра.

Abaev Maksat Bektursynovich

Position: Associate Professor

Academic degree: Candidate of Law

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Abaeva Zhanna Merekeevna

Position: Associate Professor

Academic degree: Candidate of Law

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Kosherbaev Serik Baltabaevich

Position: Senior Lecturer

Academic degree: Master of Jurisprudence

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Sarymbetov Erlan Askarovich

Position: Senior Lecturer

Academic degree: Master of Jurisprudence

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Аusagatova Galiya Kabыlbekovna

Position: Senior Lecturer

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Аshirmuxamedova Klara Talasovna

Position: Senior Lecturer

Academic degree: Master of Jurisprudence

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Narimbaeva Аynur Jaxiyaevna

Position: Senior Lecturer

Academic degree: Master of Jurisprudence

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Suymenbaeva Аkmaral Mukataevna

Position: Senior Lecturer

Academic degree: Master of Jurisprudence

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Kadyrkulov Askar Zhaqsylyquly

Position: Senior Lecturer

Academic degree: Master of Laws

Nurtay Madina Nurtaevna

Position: Senior Lecturer

Academic degree: Master of Jurisprudence

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Kurmanbaeva Damira Parmenovna

Position: Senior Lecturer

Academic degree: Master of Jurisprudence

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Bidayshiev Galыm Dosymbekovich

Position: Senior Lecturer

Academic degree: Master of Jurisprudence

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Kopbasarova Feruza Zakirovna

Position: Senior Lecturer

Academic degree: Master of Jurisprudence

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Tulegenova Guljaxan Turexanovna

Position: laboratory assistant

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  1. Department of internal Affairs of Zhambyl region.
  2. The panel of lawyers of Zhambyl region
  3. Administrator of Zhambyl regional courts
  4. Zhambyl regional chamber of private bailiffs
  5. Zhambyl regional notary chamber
  6. Department of justice of Zhambyl region.
  7. Zhambyl regional mediation center
Graduate model

Graduate Model after completing the educational program, the graduate must master the knowledge of legal acts, standards of office work on a legal document, the structure of state bodies, local self-government bodies, the basics of administration, ethics of business communication. Also knowledge of types of administrative and criminal offenses, methods of prevention and punishment, forms, types and methods of prevention and suppression of violations of the established order in public places, types of educational and correctional activities. Be able to work on improving the level of moral and legal culture, use spiritual and moral mechanisms to prevent corruption, analyze situations of conflict of interest and moral choice, improve anti-corruption culture, actions in situations of conflict of interest, perform standard simple practical tasks for analyzing and applying penalties for administrative violations, preventing, suppressing, investigating criminal offenses, as well as perform educational and correctional activities. According to the National Classifier of Occupations of the Republic of Kazakhstan 01-2017, the following group of professions was selected:

  • 2611-1-002 Legal advisor
  • 2611-1-003 Lawyer
  • 2611-2-002 Legal advisor
  • 2612-0-003 Secretary of the judicial board
  • 2612-0-004 Judge
  • 4415-0-003 Court clerk
  • 4415-0-004 Judicial secretary
  • 4415-0-005 Legal Secretary
  • 5412-0-001 Patrol inspector
Certificate of specialized accreditation

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