Serubayeva Aurika Temirkhankizi
Position: Head of the Department, acting associate Professor
Academic degree: PhD doctor
Contact number: -
Address: Building No. - , aud. -
Educational programs 7M01601 – «Training of history teachers», 6B01601 – «Training of history teachers», 6B01406 – «Training of teachers of the basics of law and Economics» are carried out at the Department of «History, law and entrepreneurship» of Taraz regional University named After M.H. Dulati. This Department has its place in the training of teachers in the country, achieves significant success in the education of students and undergraduates, using the latest pedagogical innovative methods to solve fundamental problems of the history of Kazakhstan and world history. The Department trains highly qualified, competitive teachers of a new format within the framework of educational programs.
Undergraduate Programs
6В01601 – Training of history teachers
6В01406 – Training of teachers of the basics of law and Economics
Master Degree Programs
7М01601 – Training of history teachers
Position: associate Professor
Academic degree: Ph.D.
Position: associate Professor
Academic degree: Ph.D.

Position: associate Professor
Academic degree: Ph.D.

The Department has established close links with the University «Lodz» for the purpose of sharing best practices in the field of education and science of Poland, as well as with universities «Szeged» Hungarian Republic «Vytautas the Great» of the Republic of Lithuania for professional development implemented the program of academic mobility among teachers and students. The staff of the Department in the framework of educational programs, in order to conduct pedagogical practice of students, signed contracts with a number of schools in the city of Taraz.
The Department has existed for more than 50 years, since 1967. The name of the Department has changed several times since its Foundation. Over the years of its existence, more than 20 thousand specialists have been trained, who successfully work in universities, schools and colleges, have become well-known scientists, teachers, public and cultural figures, both in Kazakhstan and abroad. The main task of the graduating Department is to provide high-quality training of a competent history teacher of a new format, able to successfully solve the problems of Kazakhstan's education and science, while using modern teaching technologies in the context of updating the content of education, Informatization and multilingualism.