Contact phone: 8708 142 75 45
Account: https://vk.com/id486159378
The youth club “Femida”, promoting legal education, forms national values, supports the initiatives of students striving for high professionalism.
- • in order to create respect for laws among students, organize extensive legal advocacy.
- • build respect for state symbols and reveal the meaning of national holidays.
- • organize activities against bad habits among students (alcoholism, drug addiction, etc.).
- • within the framework of patriotic education to organize scientific conferences, meetings, lectures, round tables, intellectual games and other events.
- • organize a center for the right education of youth;
- • discussion of youth issues through the media;
- • in order to educate young people, the planning and implementation of activities with universities;
- • provide legal advice and protect the interests of youth;
- • conduct questionnaires among young people;
- • collect information for the club and disseminate information about the club;
- • conduct charity events.
- • department of right education;
- • department of spiritual education;
- • intellectual competition department.