Contact phone: 87786041322
YLT “Zhasyl El” in TarSU was approved in accordance with the order of the Head of the private institution “Republican Headquarters of Youth Labor Team “Zhasyl El” dated May 3, 2005 No. 2 and operates in compliance with the Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan “On Non-Profit Organizations” and other regulatory legal acts of the Republic of Kazakhstan, the Charter of the private institution "Republican headquarters of youth labor groups "Zhasyl El".
YLT "Zhasyl El" was created in order to guide and organize the full-fledged activity of youth labor groups aimed at the improvement and gardening of regional settlements, as well as solving problematic issues of youth employment and employment during the holidays. In other working seasons, the Zhasyl El organization at TarSU carries out all types of activities, participates in the development of projects of any nature and in their implementation.
- • collection, processing and analysis of information received in local government and from the regional headquarters;
- • planning the scope of work and a plan for their implementation, scheduling activities for the employment of youth labor groups;
- • analysis of projects and proposals from headquarters and employers;
- • coordination of the work of youth labor groups;
- • ensuring the organizational and coordination activities of youth labor groups;
- • control over the progress of work by fighters of youth labor groups and the provision of reports to the Republican headquarters.