Volunteer movement "Biz birgemiz"
Contact phone: 87027778175
Account: https // vk.com / id350061700
“Biz birgemiz” is a volunteer movement created within the framework of the youth wing of Jas Otan.
- • Effectively develop students' abilities using their time.
- • assisting individuals, implementing projects to protect the health of citizens;
- • organization of environmental initiatives aimed at protecting the environment;
- • Mass sports and a healthy lifestyle;
- • Formation and development of social responsibility, citizenship, kindness in society.
- • Promote the development of volunteer activities in Kazakhstan.
- • Assistance in solving social problems;
- • organization of volunteer groups, project activities;
- • Helping the elderly, the homeless, youth, students and people with disabilities.
- • promotion of healthy lifestyles;
- • Conducting a series of activities aimed at preventing drug addiction, spitting, youth;
Д.М.Қонаевты еске алу халықаралық турнирі.
Международный турнир памяти Д.М.Конаева.
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