Leader of Kazakhstan Student Alliance
Phone number: 8707 246 3166
Account: https://vk.com/z.bauka
KSA is a youth organization, a defender of the rights and interests of students.
The Kazakhstan Student Alliance is a new student organization, unlike any other. Students rallied to achieve the quality of education, the eradication of ignorance in the student community, bribery in universities, and the strict observance of the rights of students.
The state needs young, patriotic and intellectually developed people, therefore our ideas, deeds and aspirations find support and achieve an unchanging positive result. We are together and we are power.
Creating conditions for the effective implementation of the intellectual, creative, spiritual and innovative potential of students of the Republic of Kazakhstan.
Consolidate Kazakhstan students based on the idea of development and prosperity of Kazakhstan;
To help improve the education of Kazakhstani students and improve the system of domestic higher education;
To develop patriotism and civic culture of students;
To represent, protect the rights and interests of students, to promote their implementation.
The human factor is above all: the most valuable resource is people. The priority in the activities of the KSA is the creation of conditions for the development and self-realization of members of the movement and all with whom we work.