SARDAROVA INDIRA ZHUMABEKYZY Faculty of Technology Student Parliament Speaker Contact phone: 87478358783 E-mail: Этот адрес электронной почты защищён от спам-ботов. У вас должен быть включен JavaScript для просмотра. |
The main tasks of the Parliament are propaganda and organizational and preparatory activities in the following areas:
- • assisting the administration and educational structures of the university in creating the necessary conditions conducive to the active involvement of student youth in various spheres of the university’s life and increasing its social activity.
- • assistance in obtaining deep professional knowledge by students, attracting students to scientific activities;
- • promoting information support for students on various issues of the university;
- • approval of a healthy lifestyle at the university, prevention of offenses and bad habits of students;
- • assistance in creating conditions for improving the material and living conditions of students, solving their social problems;
- • organization of various types of socially significant activities of university students, carrying out programs of cultural events and sports and recreational activities;
- • development of cooperation with public organizations and student groups of other educational institutions;
- • the formation of a student asset that can ensure the effective functioning and development of student self-government at the university.
ABILZHAN ZHANABIL MUKHTARAUEZULY, Faculty of Economics and Business Member of the Senate of the Student Parliament
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USPANBAYEV AKNIET YERZHANULY, Faculty of Information Technology, Automation and Telecommunications Member of the Senate of the Student Parliament
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SPANDIAR AMIR MADIYARULY, Faculty of Water Management, Ecology and Construction Member of the Senate of the Student Parliament
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MAMYSH DAUREN RUSLANULY, Faculty of Law Member of the Senate of the Student Parliament 87079544787 Этот адрес электронной почты защищён от спам-ботов. У вас должен быть включен JavaScript для просмотра. |
ERMEKKULOV ADILET DUYSENBAYULY, Faculty of Technology Member of the Senate of the Student Parliament 87000291279
MATCHANOVA ANAR MARATKYZY, Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences Member of the Senate of the Student Parliament
AKIMOVA TOKZHAN SMAGULKYZY, Faculty of Oil, Gas and Mechanics Member of the Senate of the Student Parliament