Registrar’s Office




Registrar Office Director, Candidate of Technical Sciences.

Phone number: 8 (7262) 45-95-95

E-mail: Этот адрес электронной почты защищён от спам-ботов. У вас должен быть включен JavaScript для просмотра.

Address: Taraz, Tole bi, 60,  2.3.104,  2.3.105,  2.3.101




From 2011 to the present, Natalya Petrovna Chernyavskaya is the director of the Registrar's Office.

N.P.Chernyavskaya is a graduate of the Zhambyl Technological Institute of Light and Food Industries. She graduated from graduate school on the basis of Al-Farabi Kazakh National University, in 2006 she defended her thesis on the specialty 25.00.36 - "Geoecology"

She has been working in the Registrar's Office since its foundation in 2004. She is a direct and active participant in the software development process, improving the regulatory and methodological base of the department and the university, strengthening and coordinating the role of the Registrar Office in the educational process of the university.

In 2003, M.Kh.Dulaty Taraz State University was one of the first to participate in an experiment on introducing credit technology of education, introducing innovations at first in one faculty, and in September 2004 all students who entered were fully transferred to credit education technology. For the successful implementation of a breakthrough project for Kazakhstan, there were such prerequisites as: participation of university employees in working groups of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan, implementation of a joint project with a partner university of Indiana (USA), participation in a republican seminar on credit education technology (in 2003, based on T. Ryskulov KazEU), good material and technical and methodological base. In accordance with the Credit Education Technology Rules, a new structural unit of the Registrar's Office was created at the University in 2004.

The purpose of the Registrar's Office throughout the entire period of activity is to provide with a high level of reliability, efficiency and responsibility of the functions of organizing, maintaining and managing the educational process. Currently, the department already consists of 7 interconnected sectors, whose employees are interchangeable.

The responsibilities of the Registrar's Office include a range of activities related to the solution of planning issues, organization of the educational process and monitoring of student learning achievements; educational process information management; providing advice to representatives of structural units of the university, students and their parents; technical and technological service, increasing the occupancy rate and expanding the content presented on the university’s website and on the student’s portal, increasing the usability of the corresponding software, providing access to the academic information for representatives of the corresponding structural units and students.

During the work of the Registrar’s Office separately, as well as together with other departments, a number of documents have been developed that regulate the regulatory and methodological foundations of the organization of the educational process at the university, including:

- “Regulation on the formation of a catalog of elective disciplines”;

- “Regulation on the Management of the Audit Fund of M.Kh.Dulaty TarSU;

- “Rules of academic honesty of teachers, staff and students of M.Kh.Dulaty TarSU";

- Work instruction for working with the module "Electronic Journal of the teacher";

- Regulation “On the organization of the summer semester at the university”, approved by order of the rector of 05.05.2016, No. 206.

On an ongoing basis, documents such as:

- “Academic rules for the organization of the educational process in M.Kh.Dulaty TarSU";

- “Code of honor of the teacher of M.Kh.Dulaty TarSU"

- "The order of organization and technology for conducting intermediate certification of students" and others.

Myrkalykov Bauyrzhan is head of Measuring Materials, PhD. Responsible for coordinating the process of developing the methodology and introducing into the educational process the technology for developing control and measuring materials; control of high-quality and timely preparation and delivery of test tasks and examination tickets to the PR departments.

Sydykova Gulsara is head of the registration sector, master of engineering and technology. The organization of procedures for registration, re-registration, the formation of academic flows and harmonization of the schedule for the formation of the educational process is responsible.

Turarova Balzhan is head of the academic records storage sector, master of information systems. She is responsible for managing information flows, for organizing and conducting intermediate certification of students of all courses, and organizing the elimination of academic debts.

Orynbaeva Akmaral is head of the organization and exams sector, Master of Laws. Responsible for the organization and control of technology for examinations, negotiates the schedule of exams in accordance with the forms of examinations.

Manapbaev Marat is head of the sector of information and technical support of the educational process, master of information systems. He is responsible for managing information flows and ensuring technical support of the educational process, operational and uninterrupted operation of the modules of the computer program of the PR in structural units.

Musabaeva Sandugash is head of the educational process coordination sector, master of economics and business. She is responsible for organizing and supervising the scheduling of training sessions, exams and coordinating the compilation of the SIWT schedules by the departments, as well as coordinating the use of the classroom fund and carries out selective control over academic and labor discipline.

Bekbolatov Samat is the head of the sector of the public educational institution “QYZMET_TARSU”, master of technical sciences. Responsible for the timely and efficient service of students on the principle of "Single Window".

Registrar’s  Office Team is A DREAM TEAM!



Blood Center, “Do good” action


March 22, 2016 Orphanage No. 1 named after K. Sarymoldaev, charity event, March 22, 2017


New Years corporate party


December 27, 2016 Team “Administration”- arm wrestling winners

