Department for Monitoring Development Strategy, Accreditation and QMS of the University


Head of the department
Master of Law

Address: Taraz, Tole bi, 60, academic building 2.1.
Phone number: 8 (7262) 45-64-09
E-mail: Этот адрес электронной почты защищён от спам-ботов. У вас должен быть включен JavaScript для просмотра.

PURPOSE OF THE Department for Monitoring Development Strategy, Accreditation AND QMS:
• planning and coordination of activities for the implementation of the main stages of the university development strategy, monitoring the implementation of the strategic plan for the development of the university, taking into account the priorities of the university;
• implementation of organizational, methodological and informational support for the preparation and conduct of accreditation procedures for the university as a whole as an educational institution and individual educational programs in order to ensure compliance of the educational activities of the university with international and domestic criteria;
• scientific and methodological guidance of the process of creation, implementation, operation and development of a quality management system (hereinafter - QMS) at the university.

THE MAIN OBJECTIVES OF THE Department for Monitoring Development Strategy, Accreditation AND QMS OF THE UNIVERSITY:
• implementation of the university development strategy in accordance with the given mission, vision and strategic goal of the university in order to form a culture of strategic thinking of university employees;
• coordination and monitoring of the implementation of all eight departments of the university eight key strategic areas of the university;
• organization, methodological support and implementation of the procedure of institutional accreditation and accreditation of educational programs in accreditation agencies included in the national register of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan in order to ensure compliance of educational activities of the university with international and domestic criteria;
• organization of work on the development, implementation, functioning and development of the QMS at the university based on the international standard ISO 9001, improvement of the QMS of education at the university;
• organization of training of quality auditors, organization of work of a group of university auditors as a permanent monitoring body of the university management;
• organization and conduct of work on the creation, implementation and improvement / updating of QMS documentation;
• analysis of the results of activities in the areas of work of the department and the development of proposals for improving processes.

• organization and coordination of planning activities of the university for the implementation of the development strategy of faculties, departments and other structural units of the university;
• organization and coordination of work
• monitoring the implementation of all departments of the university;
• analysis of the results of achievements and development of proposals for improving the strategic plan for the development of the university;
• planning of the university’s activities in the field of accreditation, organization and coordination of accreditation and examination of the degree of preparedness of the university, structural units, departments of accreditation faculties;
• organization and conduct of university accreditation, organization of work and external experts;
• organization of development and updating of QMS documents;
• conducting internal audits.
