Publishing House "Taraz Universiteti"

Information about the staff of the publishing house "Taraz Universiteti"


Kosbol Sarsengali Minazhatdinuly

Director Publishing

Taraz University

Phone number: 87711368434


Aldykeeva Gulnaz Makhanbetkulkyzy

Publisher editor of

"Taraz Universiteti",

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Kuzembaeva Nurzipa Beibitkyzy

Head of Publishing Sector of

"Taraz Universiteti",

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Dauirbekova Gulzia Nurpapakyzy

Publishing specialist of

"Taraz Universiteti",

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Koshkarbayev Nurdaulet Kairatuly

Publishing specialist of

"Taraz Universiteti",

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Sydygalieva Ainur Turysbaykyzy

Publishing specialist of

"Taraz Universiteti",


Yusupova Nazira Abdumazhitkyzy

Publishing specialist of

"Taraz Universiteti",

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Publishing House "Taraz Universiteti" 

Publishing house "Taraz Universiteti" is a structural unit of M.Kh.Dulaty TarSU preparing and publishing educational, methodological, scientific and specialized literature, as well as reprinting existing literature, which is in high demand. Publishing house "Taraz Universiteti" was created by a decision of the Ministry of Culture, Information and Public Accord of the Republic of Kazakhstan in 2002 (No. 19-081 of October 21, 2002).

The right to publishing is granted by Decree No. 3 of October 6, 2000, of the Presidium of National Academy of Education named after Y.Altynsarin of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

The purpose of the publishing house is to prepare and publish a qualitatively new educational, methodological, scientific and specialized literature in accordance with the annual thematic plan of the publication, approved by the decision of the Academic Council of TarSU, as well as departmental literature included in the plan of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan, in order to ensure the educational process and scientific growth of academic staff of  M.Kh. Dulaty TarSU.

The publishing house publishes monographs, scientific collections, reports, abstracts, bulletins, journals, abstract journals, abstracts, blank documentation, etc.

Publishing house "Taraz Universiteti" provides paid services both within the university and to third-party organizations. Publishing house "Taraz Universitі" actively cooperates with universities and secondary specialized educational institutions of the city and region.

The structure of the publishing house "Taraz Universiteti" includes 2 groups that ensure its effective activity: computer (5 people) and production (4 people). The publishing house is equipped with qualified personnel, equipped with modern computer technology and printing equipment.

The computer typing and typesetting sector is led by an editor whose duties are editing. Under her leadership, experts prepare a signal instance and carry out computer design, typesetting of the issued educational, educational, methodical and scientific literature in Kazakh, Russian, English and German, which meets the requirements of the state educational standard.

Under the leadership of the head of the production sector, he performs the duplication of publications and blank documentation, as well as other printing works.

Publishing house “Taraz Universiteti” publishes scientific journals “Vestnik TarSU”, “Mechanics and Technology”.

The scientific journal “TarMU Khabarshysy” - “Vestnik TarSU” is a body of M.Kh. Dulaty Taraz State University. The purpose of the journal is to convey new ideas, problematic issues of science and technology, new developments and research by a wide range of specialists. Materials are published - 4 issues per year in Kazakh and Russian. The magazine is designed for a wide range of scientists, university professors, industrialists, doctoral students, graduate students and specialists in commercial and investment structures.

Currently, the publishing house of M.Kh. Dulaty Taraz State University is a recognized leader in university book publishing in the Zhambyl region. The high status of the TarSU publishing house is determined, first of all, by the results of the work. Over the past 5 years, more than 80 titles of books and brochures with more than 700 printed pages have been issued. To achieve the objectives in this direction, the university has created all the necessary conditions.

At present, the technical base of the Taraz University publishing house has been strengthened and the printing house is constantly updating with modern publishing equipment, digital and large format printing systems, and the computer park is being modernized.

The printing base of the printing house allows us to provide high-quality printed products not only to Taraz State University, but also to other customers.
