Director of the Center for New Information Technologies
Address: Taraz, Tole bi, 60, 2.2.104
Tel .: 8 (7262) 45-79-85
E-mail: Этот адрес электронной почты защищён от спам-ботов. У вас должен быть включен JavaScript для просмотра.
Center of New Information Technologies (CNIT) is a structural subdivision of the University with a history of thirty-five, implement information technology in the educational and administrative activities.
The goal of the CNIT is to introduce new information technologies into the university’s production activities, to participate in the implementation of the Roadmap for the implementation of the Concept of transition of M.Kh.Dulaty Taraz State University to the Digital University model, and also:
• creation of a unified information space of the university, development and maintenance of a data transmission system, including a telecommunication network;
• maintenance, repair, installation of programs, preventive maintenance, modernization of computer equipment of all structural units of the university (including deans, departments) and computer classes;
• providing computer classes with maintenance personnel in order to preserve class material values, instructing students and staff on safety and labor protection issues;
• provide technical and software support for the operation of the Plato automated information system;
• within the framework of the adopted Roadmap, continue work towards the implementation of the QYZMET_TARSU project at the university;
• implement a project to introduce an electronic document management system;
• installation and installation of various educational equipment: stationary multimedia classrooms, language laboratories, video, conference calls, speakers to ensure the educational process of various audiences;
• creation of multimedia materials: films, audio-video lectures, digital textbooks for use in the educational process, the creation of commercials and media materials on the activities of the university;
• setting up active network equipment, setting up a VPN, Wi-Fi connection;
• designing new nodes of fiber-optic types of communication lines;
• organization, implementation and control of repair and restoration work of the Wi-Fi network. Planning, development and installation of new data transmission nodes. Development and maintenance of technical documentation of the network structure and data transmission nodes;
• ensuring information security and IT security;
• maintenance and routine maintenance on cable and wireless network equipment;
• implementation of preventive, repair and preventive maintenance of computer and office equipment in accordance with the instruction manual;
• registration and analysis of failures and failures of equipment, computer equipment, improvement of methods of technical maintenance of computer equipment;
• conducting test inspections of equipment according to an agreed schedule in order to timely eliminate malfunctions of computer equipment;
• organization of storage of technical documentation for computer equipment;
• modernization of computer equipment at all levels;
• participation in the acceptance, placement and commissioning of newly arrived computer equipment;
• participation in ensuring technical safety at the workplace.
CNIT consists of two departments and five sectors:
Software Development and Maintenance Department:
• Sector of implementation and maintenance of software;
• Web-design and network technologies sector;
• Maintenance sector;
• Multimedia Sector;
• The service sector of computer and interactive classes.