SHONGARAEVA ZHANAT TURLYBAEVNA, Phone number: 8 (7262) 45-17-70 |
NASYRADINOVA BATES ALDAZHAROVNA, Phone number: 8 (7262) 45-17-70 |
KASENOVA AIMAN, Phone number: 8 (7262) 45-17-70 |
KOZHAKHMETOVA TOLKYN GAZIZOVNA, Phone number: 8 (7262) 45-17-70 |
The Department of Student Movement Accounting (SMA) is a structural unit of the department for educational and methodical work.
In its activities, the department of SMA is guided by the Laws of the Republic of Kazakhstan, the Charter of M.Kh.Dulaty TarSU, by the decisions of the Academic Council, the administration and the regulatory documents of the Republic of Kazakhstan in the field of education.
The main goal of the SMA department is to record and control the movement of students.
The main tasks of the department of SMA are:
- implementation of the tasks set by the Head of State in the message of the President of the country to the people of Kazakhstan;
- making decisions on the main issues of the department.
The department of SMA carries out work in the following areas:
- maintaining personal files of students, their replenishment;
- study of the personal files of students enrolled in the university;
- acquisition of students' personal files at institutes, academic groups and ensuring their safety;
- registration of student documentation;
- processing orders for the movement of the contingent;
- accounting for the issuance of documents for temporary use;
- sending documents on requests to other universities;
- keeping records of the issuance of academic certificates of expelled students;
- preparation of orders on benefits for training (at the beginning of each academic year, the University Coordinating Council considers applications from students from large and low-income families, orphans and disabled people, student athletes, activists, etc., who are trained on a fee basis);
- A monthly report on the accounting and movement of the student population;
- archiving (documents of expelled students up to 3 years old);
- preparation and issuance of duplicates of final documentation;
- registration of personal files for archiving.